CIA Airline

Diskutiere CIA Airline im Andere Konflikte Forum im Bereich Geschichte der Fliegerei; Gibt es heute eigentlich noch ne Art "Air America"? Diese von CIA betriebe Airline war ja währendes Vietnamkonflikts gegründet worden und...

Huey II

Dabei seit
Gibt es heute eigentlich noch ne Art "Air America"?
Diese von CIA betriebe Airline war ja währendes Vietnamkonflikts gegründet worden und verschwand relativ schnell wieder, als Saigon 1975 fiel. Gibt es heute eine noch vom CIA betriebe Airline? In Afghanistan sind ja diese SOG Einheiten des CIA unterwegs doch vom Air America keine Spur.
Schau mal hier: CIA Airline. Dort wird jeder fündig!

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Dabei seit
Einguter Tip dazu war im Zusammenhang mit den US-Überflügen über Österreich:

Danach ging die Nachfolgerorganisation "Southern Air Transport" (SAT) 1990 überraschend Pleite. Nunmehr scheint eine "Tepper Aviation Inc." die Nachfolge angetreten zu haben.

Nicht so überraschend wohl in einen Waffen-Drogen-Deal CIA-Aserbaidschan verstrickt.

Leider notwendiger Hinweis: Infos ausschließlich lt. o.g. Website!


Dabei seit
Ich hab so um den dreh 92/93 öfters mal B.727 der Key Air auf der Nellis AFB gesehen.Ich denk mal diese Airline war auch nicht so ganz Koscha und gehörte wohl eher dem CIA.Flogen ja auch mehr auf Milbasen rum als auf Linienflügen.Aber Key Air gibt es auch nicht mehr.Vermehrt kommen zivil zugelassene Flieger über Frankfurt wie z.B B.737BBJ N717P (oder war es 313P?) oder DHC-8 N800LL,seit einer Woche steht in Frankfurt bei der USAF eine DHC-6 in der Halle (die N6161Q).Ich denk mal das diese auch für die CIA unterwegs sind oder dem Verein gehören.Teilweise größere Flieger (wie z.B die 737,DHC-8) und die keiner Airline angehören und sich dann noch auf US-Milbasen rumtummeln.

Huey II

Dabei seit

Die CIA spielt in Sachen eigenen Airlines geheim. Es werden wahrscheinlich nie mehr so offene Airlines wie "Air America" bekannt werden. All diese Airlines seit 75 sind daher anonym und mehrheitlich unter normalen Airlines zu finden.


Dabei seit
Anflug Payerne
Thread herauskram ;)

Unter anderem während der Operation Enduring Freedom waren ja auch vermehrt von Fluggeräten des CIA's und/oder einfach zivil immatrikulierten zu lesen (Beispiel .

Letzte Woche kam nun in einer Sendung des ZDF (Frontal21) ein interessanter Bericht zum Thema, der Hier auszugsweise nachzulesen ist.

Nun meine Frage - hat jemand von Euch auch schon solche Maschinen aufgenommen oder weitere Info's ? Sie sollen ja u.a. in Rammstein und Frankfurt regelmässig vorbeischauen ?

Eine kleine Hilfe bringt Euch evtl. diese Seite hier:

Greetz, Grimmi


Dabei seit
Raeren / Belgien
key air wurde seinerzeit glaube ich hauptsächlich zum transport von F-117-piloten zwischen den verschiedenen bases verwendet.


Dabei seit
Gemäss einem Artikel der SonntagsZeitung vom 15. Mai 2005 sollen Terrorverdächtige auch durch die Schweiz transportiert worden sein. Leider kein Link zur Online Ausgabe da man bezahlen muss.


Dabei seit
Soetwas ähnliches gibt noch:


Über drei Scheinfirmen - "Tepper Aviation", "Pegasus Technologies" und die größte, "Aero Contractors" - betreibt der US-Geheimdienst eine regelrechte Fluglinie: von luxuriös umgebauten Boeing 737 Business Jets über Kleinmaschinen vom Typ Gulfstream V bis zu militärischen Transportmaschinen; insgesamt 26 Flugzeuge.
"Wenn die Administration der CIA einen Auftrag gibt, dann deswegen, weil sie nicht groß verkünden will, dass die US-Regierung dahinter steckt", erklärt Jim Glerum, einstiger CIA-Agent, der Zeitung. Die CIA nützt die zivile Tarnung unter anderem, um Terrorverdächtige zu Befragungen in verschiedene Länder der Welt zu fliegen, wo man bei den Verhörmethoden weniger zimperlich vorgeht. Zusätzliche werden US-Agenten unauffällig zu Einsätzen ins Ausland gebracht.
In einem Zivilflugzeug von "Aero Contractors" wurde auch der deutsche Staatsbürger Khaled al-Masri entführt und nach Afghanistan verfrachtet, bevor man ihn nach mehreren Wochen wieder frei ließ: Der amerikanische Auslandsgeheimdienst hatte ihn für einen Terroristen gehalten, jedoch schlicht seine Identität verwechselt.


Dabei seit
Anflug Payerne
Ich habe hier noch den vollen Artikel der New York Times:

May 31, 2005

C.I.A. Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights


This article was reported by Scott Shane, Stephen Grey and Margot Williams
and written by Mr. Shane.

SMITHFIELD, N.C. - The airplanes of Aero Contractors Ltd. take off from
Johnston County Airport here, then disappear over the scrub pines and fields
of tobacco and sweet potatoes. Nothing about the sleepy Southern setting
hints of foreign intrigue. Nothing gives away the fact that Aero's pilots
are the discreet bus drivers of the battle against terrorism, routinely sent
on secret missions to Baghdad, Cairo, Tashkent and Kabul.

When the Central Intelligence Agency wants to grab a suspected member of Al
Qaeda overseas and deliver him to interrogators in another country, an Aero
Contractors plane often does the job. If agency experts need to fly overseas
in a hurry after the capture of a prized prisoner, a plane will depart
Johnston County and stop at Dulles Airport outside Washington to pick up the
C.I.A. team on the way.

Aero Contractors' planes dropped C.I.A. paramilitary officers into
Afghanistan in 2001; carried an American team to Karachi, Pakistan, right
after the United States Consulate there was bombed in 2002; and flew from
Libya to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, the day before an American-held prisoner said
he was questioned by Libyan intelligence agents last year, according to
flight data and other records.

While posing as a private charter outfit - "aircraft rental with pilot" is
the listing in Dun and Bradstreet - Aero Contractors is in fact a major
domestic hub of the Central Intelligence Agency's secret air service. The
company was founded in 1979 by a legendary C.I.A. officer and chief pilot
for Air America, the agency's Vietnam-era air company, and it appears to be
controlled by the agency, according to former employees.

Behind a surprisingly thin cover of rural hideaways, front companies and
shell corporations that share officers who appear to exist only on paper,
the C.I.A. has rapidly expanded its air operations since 2001 as it has
pursued and questioned terrorism suspects around the world.

An analysis of thousands of flight records, aircraft registrations and
corporate documents, as well as interviews with former C.I.A. officers and
pilots, show that the agency owns at least 26 planes, 10 of them purchased
since 2001. The agency has concealed its ownership behind a web of seven
shell corporations that appear to have no employees and no function apart
from owning the aircraft.

The planes, regularly supplemented by private charters, are operated by real
companies controlled by or tied to the agency, including Aero Contractors
and two Florida companies, Pegasus Technologies and Tepper Aviation.

The civilian planes can go places American military craft would not be
welcome. They sometimes allow the agency to circumvent reporting
requirements most countries impose on flights operated by other governments.
But the cover can fail, as when two Austrian fighter jets were scrambled on
Jan. 21, 2003, to intercept a C.I.A. Hercules transport plane, equipped with
military communications, on its way from Germany to Azerbaijan.

"When the C.I.A. is given a task, it's usually because national policy
makers don't want 'U.S. government' written all over it," said Jim Glerum, a
retired C.I.A. officer who spent 18 years with the agency's Air America but
says he has no knowledge of current operations. "If you're flying an
executive jet into somewhere where there are plenty of executive jets, you
can look like any other company."

Some of the C.I.A. planes have been used for carrying out renditions, the
legal term for the agency's practice of seizing terrorism suspects in one
foreign country and delivering them to be detained in another, including
countries that routinely engage in torture. The resulting controversy has
breached the secrecy of the agency's flights in the last two years, as
plane-spotting hobbyists, activists and journalists in a dozen countries
have tracked the mysterious planes' movements.

Inquiries From Abroad

The authorities in Italy and Sweden have opened investigations into the
C.I.A.'s alleged role in the seizure of suspects in those countries who were
then flown to Egypt for interrogation. According to Dr. Georg Nolte, a law
professor at the University of Munich, under international law, nations are
obligated to investigate any substantiated human rights violations committed
on their territory or using their airspace.

Dr. Nolte examined the case of Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen who
American officials have confirmed was pulled from a bus on the
Serbia-Macedonia border on Dec. 31, 2003, and held for three weeks. Then he
was drugged and beaten, by his account, before being flown to Afghanistan.

The episode illustrates the circumstantial nature of the evidence on C.I.A.
flights, which often coincide with the arrest and transporting of Al Qaeda
suspects. No public record states how Mr. Masri was taken to Afghanistan.
But flight data shows a Boeing Business Jet operated by Aero Contractors and
owned by Premier Executive Transport Services, one of the C.I.A.-linked
shell companies, flew from Skopje, Macedonia, to Baghdad and on to Kabul on
Jan. 24, 2004, the day after Mr. Masri's passport was marked with a
Macedonian exit stamp.

Mr. Masri was later released by order of Condoleezza Rice, the national
security adviser at the time, after his arrest was shown to be a case of
mistaken identity.

A C.I.A. spokeswoman declined to comment for this article. Representatives
of Aero Contractors, Tepper Aviation and Pegasus Technologies, which operate
the agency planes, said they could not discuss their clients' identities.
"We've been doing business with the government for a long time, and one of
the reasons is, we don't talk about it," said Robert W. Blowers, Aero's
assistant manager.

A Varied Fleet

But records filed with the Federal Aviation Administration provide a
detailed, if incomplete, portrait of the agency's aviation wing.

The fleet includes a World War II-era DC-3 and a sleek Gulfstream V
executive jet, as well as workhorse Hercules transport planes and
Spanish-built aircraft that can drop into tight airstrips. The flagship is
the Boeing Business Jet, based on the 737 model, which Aero flies from
Kinston, N.C., because the runway at Johnston County is too short for it.

Most of the shell companies that are the planes' nominal owners hold permits
to land at American military bases worldwide, a clue to their global
mission. Flight records show that at least 11 of the aircraft have landed at
Camp Peary, the Virginia base where the C.I.A. operates its training
facility, known as "the Farm." Several planes have also made regular trips
to Guantánamo.

But the facility that turns up most often in records of the 26 planes is
little Johnston County Airport, which mainly serves private pilots and a few
local corporations. At one end of the 5,500-foot runway are the modest
airport offices, a flight school and fuel tanks. At the other end are the
hangars and offices of Aero Contractors, down a tree-lined driveway named
for Charlie Day, an airplane mechanic who earned a reputation as an engine
magician working on secret operations in Laos during the Vietnam War.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know what they do," said Ray Blackmon, the
airport manager, noting that Aero has its own mechanics and fuel tanks,
keeping nosey outsiders away. But he called the Aero workers "good
neighbors," always ready to lend a tool.
2. Teil folgt sogleich ;)


Dabei seit
Anflug Payerne
2. Teil des sehr interessanten Artikels:

Son of Air America

Aero appears to be the direct descendant of Air America, a C.I.A.-operated
air "proprietary," as agency-controlled companies are called.

Just three years after the big Asian air company was closed in 1976, one of
its chief pilots, Jim Rhyne, was asked to open a new air company, according
to a former Aero Contractors employee whose account is supported by
corporate records.

"Jim is one of the great untold stories of heroic work for the U.S.
government," said Bill Leary, a professor emeritus of history at the
University of Georgia who has written about the C.I.A.'s air operations. Mr.
Rhyne had a prosthetic leg - he had lost one leg to enemy antiaircraft fire
in Laos - that was blamed for his death in a 2001 crash while testing a
friend's new plane at Johnston County Airport.

Mr. Rhyne had chosen the rural airfield in part because it was handy to Fort
Bragg and many Special Forces veterans, and in part because it had no tower
from which Aero's operations could be spied on, a former pilot said.

"Sometimes a plane would go in the hangar with one tail number and come out
in the middle of the night with another," said the former pilot. He asked
not to be identified because when he was hired, after responding to a
newspaper advertisement seeking pilots for the C.I.A., he signed a secrecy

While flying for Aero in the 1980's and 1990's, the pilot said, he ferried
King Hussein, Jordan's late ruler, around the United States; kept
American-backed rebels like Jonas Savimbi of Angola supplied with guns and
food; hopped across the jungles of Colombia to fight the drug trade; and
retrieved shoulder-fired Stinger missiles and other weapons from former
Soviet republics in Central Asia.

Ferrying Terrorism Suspects

Aero's planes were sent to Fort Bragg to pick up Special Forces operatives
for practice runs in the Uwharrie National Forest in North Carolina,
dropping supplies or attempting emergency "exfiltrations" of agents, often
at night, the former pilot said. He described flying with $50,000 in cash
strapped to his legs to buy fuel and working under pseudonyms that changed
from job to job.

He does not recall anyone using the word "rendition." "We used to call them
'snatches,' " he said, recalling half a dozen cases. Sometimes the goal was
to take a suspect from one country to another. At other times, the C.I.A.
team rescued allies, including five men believed to have been marked by
Muammar el-Qaddafi, the Libyan leader, for assassination.

Since 2001, the battle against terrorism has refocused and expanded the
C.I.A.'s air operations. Aero's staff grew to 79 from 48 from 2001 to 2004,
according to Dun and Bradstreet.

Despite the difficulty of determining the purpose of any single flight or
who was aboard, the pattern of flights that coincide with known events is

When Saddam Hussein was captured in Iraq the evening of Dec. 13, 2003, a
Gulfstream V executive jet was already en route from Dulles Airport in
Washington. It was joined in Baghdad the next day by the Boeing Business
Jet, also flying from Washington.

Flights on this route were highly unusual, aviation records show. These were
the first C.I.A. planes to file flight plans from Washington to Baghdad
since the beginning of the war.

Flight logs show a C.I.A. plane left Dulles within 48 hours of the capture
of several Al Qaeda leaders, flying to airports near the place of arrest.
They included Abu Zubaida, a close aide to Osama bin Laden, captured on
March 28, 2002; Ramzi bin al-Shibh, who helped plan 9/11 from Hamburg,
Germany, on Sept. 10, 2002; Abd al-Rahim al-Nashri, the Qaeda operational
chief in the Persian Gulf region, on Nov. 8, 2002; and Khalid Shaikh
Mohammed, the architect of 9/11, on March 1, 2003.

A jet also arrived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from Dulles on May 31, 2003,
after the killing in Saudi Arabia of Yusuf Bin-Salih al-Ayiri, a
propagandist and former close associate of Mr. bin Laden, and the capture of
Mr. Ayiri's deputy, Abdullah al-Shabrani.

Flight records sometimes lend support to otherwise unsubstantiated reports.
Omar Deghayes, a Libyan-born prisoner in the American detention center at
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, has said through his lawyer that four Libyan
intelligence service officers appeared in September in an interrogation

Aviation records cannot corroborate his claim that the men questioned him
and threatened his life. But they do show that a Gulfstream V registered to
one of the C.I.A. shell companies flew from Tripoli, Libya, to Guantánamo on
Sept. 8, the day before Mr. Deghayes reported first meeting the Libyan
agents. The plane stopped in Jamaica and at Dulles before returning to the
Johnston County Airport, flight records show.

The same Gulfstream has been linked - through witness accounts, government
inquiries and news reports - to prisoner renditions from Sweden, Pakistan,
Indonesia and Gambia.

Most recently, flight records show the Boeing Business Jet traveling from
Sudan to Baltimore-Washington International Airport on April 17, and
returning to Sudan on April 22. The trip coincides with a visit of the
Sudanese intelligence chief to Washington that was reported April 30 by The
Los Angeles Times.

Mysterious Companies

As the C.I.A. tries to veil such air operations, aviation regulations pose a
major obstacle. Planes must have visible tail numbers, and their ownership
can be easily checked by entering the number into the Federal Aviation
Administration's online registry.

So, rather than purchase aircraft outright, the C.I.A. uses shell companies
whose names appear unremarkable in casual checks of F.A.A. registrations.

On closer examination, however, it becomes clear that those companies appear
to have no premises, only post office boxes or addresses in care of lawyers'
offices. Their officers and directors, listed in state corporate databases,
seem to have been invented. A search of public records for ordinary
identifying information about the officers - addresses, phone numbers, house
purchases, and so on - comes up with only post office boxes in Virginia,
Maryland and Washington, D.C.

But whoever created the companies used some of the same post office box
addresses and the same apparently fictitious officers for two or more of the
companies. One of those seeming ghost executives, Philip P. Quincannon, for
instance, is listed as an officer of Premier Executive Transport Services
and Crowell Aviation Technologies, both listed to the same Massachusetts
address, as well as Stevens Express Leasing in Tennessee.

No one by that name can be found in any public record other than post office
boxes in Washington and Dunn Loring, Va. Those listings for Mr. Quincannon,
in commercial databases, include an anomaly: His Social Security number was
issued in Washington between 1993 and 1995, but his birth year is listed as

Mr. Glerum, the C.I.A. and Air America veteran, said the use of one such
name on more than one company was "bad tradecraft: you shouldn't allow an
element of one entity to lead to others."

He said one method used in setting up past C.I.A. proprietaries was to ask
real people to volunteer to serve as officers or directors. "It was very,
very easy to find patriotic Americans who were willing to help," he said.

Such an approach may have been used with Aero Contractors. William J.
Rogers, 84, of Maine, said he was asked to serve on the Aero board in the
1980's because he was a former Navy pilot and past national commander of the
American Legion. He knew the company did government work, but not much more,
he said. "We used to meet once or twice a year," he said.

Aero's president, according to corporate records, is Norman Richardson, a
North Carolina businessman who once ran a truck stop restaurant called
Stormin' Norman's. Asked about his role with Aero, Mr. Richardson said only:
"Most of the work we do is for the government. It's on the basis that we
can't say anything about it."

Secrecy Is Difficult

Aero's much-larger ancestor, Air America, was closed down in 1976 just as
the United States Senate's Church Committee issued a mixed report on the
value of the C.I.A.'s use of proprietary companies. The committee questioned
whether the nation would ever again be involved in covert wars. One comment
appears prescient.

When one C.I.A. official told the committee that a new air proprietary
should be created only if "we have a chance at keeping it secret that it is
C.I.A.," Lawrence R. Houston, then agency's general counsel, objected.

In the aviation industry, said Mr. Houston, who died in 1995, "everybody
knows what everybody is doing, and something new coming along is immediately
the focus of a thousand eyes and prying questions."

He concluded: "I don't think you can do a real cover operation."

Ford Fessenden contributed reporting for this article


Dabei seit
Die Entführung des ägyptischen Imams Osama Mustafa Hassan Nasr in Mailand ist nun auch ein Fall für die deutsche Justiz. Die Staatsanwaltschaft in Zweibrücken prüft ein Ermittlungsverfahren, weil Nasr über den US-Stützpunkt Ramstein von CIA-Agenten nach Ägypten gebracht worden sein soll.,1518,366168,00.html


Dabei seit
Heute abend wird zu diesem Thema bei Frontal21 ein Beitrag gesendet.

MfG Björn


Dabei seit
in der Nähe von Kleve
In der, in den 80er aufgelegten Serie, "Superbases" von Osprey (?) war bereits damals in dem Bilband über Ramstein eine zivil registrierte 737 zu sehen die lt. Text im Auftrag der CIA flog, also doch im Prinzip nix wirklich neues oder doch? :FFTeufel: Ein Schelm ist wer was böses denkt :FFEEK:

Was die Key Air 727 Flüge von Las Vegas / Nellis betrifft, so wurden die ausschließlich zum Transport der Crews zwischen Nellis bzw. Las Vegas IAP und Tonopah eingesetzt. Bevor die F-117 nach Holloman verlegt wurden waren diese ausschließlich in Tonopah stationiert. Key Air war für diesen Zubringerdienst verantwortlich und hatte dazu Boeing 727 auf einem etwas abgelegenen Teil des Las Vegas IAP stationiert.


PS: Wie war denn der Frontal21 Beitrag? Ich habe den nicht gesehen.

PPS: grimmi - interessanter Artikel - danke :-)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Dabei seit
Aachen nach 11 jahren Tempelhof
nix neues, oder ?

seit der ersten '24' staffel, die nun auch schon ein wenig in die jahre gekommen ist, wußte oder ahnte man doch was phase ist.

und pünktlich wird sich jetzt darüber aufgeregt. also eigentlich alles nix neues nach meiner meinung.


Dabei seit
In Frankfurt kann ich mich auch an einige verdächtige Flieger erinnern. Ende der 80er war dies eine B737-200 in Key Air colours ohne Titel (N57JE). Davor flog eine 737-200 mit blauem Bauch an deren Reg. ich mich nicht mehr erinnere, aber ich glaube es war auch zivil. 1989 kam dann immer die DC-8-62 N1806, ebenfalls ohne Titel. Derzeit fliegt hier eine 737-300 herum, die N368CE.


Dabei seit
Mittlerweile ist auch eine zweite 733 in ex CO-Farben dazugekommen, die ebenfalls oft in FRA zu Gast ist.
Glaube aber nicht, dass die Maschinen etwas mit irgendwelchen Gefangenentransporten des CIA zu tu haben.

CIA Airline

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