Peking (Reuters) - Ein Aufklärungsflugzeug der US-Marine ist am Sonntag offiziellen Angaben zufolge nach einer Kollision mit einem chinesischen Kampfflugzeug in Südchina notgelandet. Ein Sprecher der US-Marine sagte, niemand sei verletzt worden. Ein Vertreter der chinesischen Regierung bestätigte die Notlandung auf der Insel Hainan, wollte aber keine näheren Angaben machen. Der US-Marine-Sprecher sagte, das Aufklärungsflugzeug vom Typ EP-3 sei auf einem Routineflug über dem Südchinesischen Meer gewesen, als es von zwei chinesischen Kampfflugzeugen abgefangen worden sei. Mit einem der chinesischen Flugzeuge habe es eine leichte Kollision gegeben, die den US- Piloten zur Notlandung gezwungen habe.
Unklar war zunächst, ob sich der Vorfall in internationalem oder chinesischem Luftraum ereignete. Die USA forderten China auf, eine rasche und sichere Heimkehr des US-Flugzeuges samt seiner Besatzung zu ermöglichen.
Tja das scheint so als war das eine ERNSTE Meldung!
CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii -- Adm. Dennis C. Blair, commander in chief, U.S. Pacific Command, addresses the media during a press conference concerning the U.S. Navy EP-3 that was intercepted by two People's Republic of China fighter aircraft yesterday. Blair expressed concern that 18 hours after the emergency landing crewmembers have not been able to contact their unit or families. He also explained that if a Chinese aircraft were off Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, that we would have handled the situation differently.
CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii -- At approximately 8:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, March 31, (9:15 a.m. Sunday local time in China) in international waters, a U.S. Navy EP-3 (Navy file photo pictured above) maritime patrol aircraft on a routine surveillance mission over the South China Sea, was intercepted by two People’s Republic of China fighter aircraft. There was contact between one of the Chinese aircraft and the EP-3, causing sufficient damage for the U.S. plane to issue a “Mayday” signal and divert to an airfield on Hainan Island, PRC. No crewmembers are reported injured.
We have communicated our concerns about this incident to the PRC Government through the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and the PRC Embassy in Washington, D.C. We expect that the PRC Government will respect the integrity of the aircraft and the well-being and safety of the crew in accordance with international practices, expedite any necessary repairs to the aircraft, and facilitate the immediate return of the aircraft and crew.
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Unklar war zunächst, ob sich der Vorfall in internationalem oder chinesischem Luftraum ereignete. Die USA forderten China auf, eine rasche und sichere Heimkehr des US-Flugzeuges samt seiner Besatzung zu ermöglichen.
Tja das scheint so als war das eine ERNSTE Meldung!
CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii -- Adm. Dennis C. Blair, commander in chief, U.S. Pacific Command, addresses the media during a press conference concerning the U.S. Navy EP-3 that was intercepted by two People's Republic of China fighter aircraft yesterday. Blair expressed concern that 18 hours after the emergency landing crewmembers have not been able to contact their unit or families. He also explained that if a Chinese aircraft were off Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, that we would have handled the situation differently.
CAMP H.M. SMITH, Hawaii -- At approximately 8:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Saturday, March 31, (9:15 a.m. Sunday local time in China) in international waters, a U.S. Navy EP-3 (Navy file photo pictured above) maritime patrol aircraft on a routine surveillance mission over the South China Sea, was intercepted by two People’s Republic of China fighter aircraft. There was contact between one of the Chinese aircraft and the EP-3, causing sufficient damage for the U.S. plane to issue a “Mayday” signal and divert to an airfield on Hainan Island, PRC. No crewmembers are reported injured.
We have communicated our concerns about this incident to the PRC Government through the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and the PRC Embassy in Washington, D.C. We expect that the PRC Government will respect the integrity of the aircraft and the well-being and safety of the crew in accordance with international practices, expedite any necessary repairs to the aircraft, and facilitate the immediate return of the aircraft and crew.
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