Space Cadet
Die IAf sah sich genötigt energisch den Abschuß von zwei MiG-29 der SyAF zu verneinen, zu dementieren.
Angeblich soll sich der Vorfall am 14.09.2004 ereignet haben, als Flugzeuge der IAF über den syrischen (!) Hafen Latakia flogen, welcher als Hauptumschlagsplatz für die Belieferung der libanesichen Hisbollah (Hizbullah) gilt. Daraufhin seien syrische MiG-29 aufgetsiegen, welche wiederum in einem Dogfight (sic!) über dem Mittelmeer abgeschossen worden seien. Die Piloten konnten sich retten und wurden wenig später von Hubschraubern aus dem Mittelmeer geborgen ...
"IAF: We didn't down Syrian MiGs last September
The air force on Sunday flatly denied a report that Israeli F-16 warplanes shot down two advanced Syrian MiG-29 fighter jets during a dogfight off the Syrian coast last September
The report by the Washington-based Reform Party of Syria quickly gathered steam over the weekend on the Internet. It quoted diplomatic sources as saying the air battle took place on September 14, 2004 after IAF fighter jets buzzed the Syrian city of Latakia, a port used by Iran for shipping weapons to Hizbullah.
According to a report on Middle East Newsline Web site, the crews of the two Syrian MiG-29s bailed out over the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Syrian military helicopters later rescued the downed pilots.
This was the first engagement between Israeli and Syrian fighter-jets since the 1980s, the website said. Israeli fighter jets have buzzed Syrian cities a number of times since the IDF pulled out of Lebanon. A pair of F-15s even buzzed the residence of Syrian President Hafez Assad as a message to rein in Hizbullah terror activities.
But in Tel Aviv Sunday, the Air Force flatly denied the report of the air battle.
"There isn't a shred of truth in it. It just didn't happen," an IDF Spokesman said." ..."
Na mal sehen, welcher Mythos sich darum noch etabliert.
Angeblich soll sich der Vorfall am 14.09.2004 ereignet haben, als Flugzeuge der IAF über den syrischen (!) Hafen Latakia flogen, welcher als Hauptumschlagsplatz für die Belieferung der libanesichen Hisbollah (Hizbullah) gilt. Daraufhin seien syrische MiG-29 aufgetsiegen, welche wiederum in einem Dogfight (sic!) über dem Mittelmeer abgeschossen worden seien. Die Piloten konnten sich retten und wurden wenig später von Hubschraubern aus dem Mittelmeer geborgen ...
"IAF: We didn't down Syrian MiGs last September
The air force on Sunday flatly denied a report that Israeli F-16 warplanes shot down two advanced Syrian MiG-29 fighter jets during a dogfight off the Syrian coast last September
The report by the Washington-based Reform Party of Syria quickly gathered steam over the weekend on the Internet. It quoted diplomatic sources as saying the air battle took place on September 14, 2004 after IAF fighter jets buzzed the Syrian city of Latakia, a port used by Iran for shipping weapons to Hizbullah.
According to a report on Middle East Newsline Web site, the crews of the two Syrian MiG-29s bailed out over the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Syrian military helicopters later rescued the downed pilots.
This was the first engagement between Israeli and Syrian fighter-jets since the 1980s, the website said. Israeli fighter jets have buzzed Syrian cities a number of times since the IDF pulled out of Lebanon. A pair of F-15s even buzzed the residence of Syrian President Hafez Assad as a message to rein in Hizbullah terror activities.
But in Tel Aviv Sunday, the Air Force flatly denied the report of the air battle.
"There isn't a shred of truth in it. It just didn't happen," an IDF Spokesman said." ..."
Na mal sehen, welcher Mythos sich darum noch etabliert.