Neues aus der Falcon4 Ecke

Diskutiere Neues aus der Falcon4 Ecke im Flugsimulationen am PC Forum im Bereich Speziell; Neues auf der Falcon4 Ecke Nein, er ist noch nicht tot, seit nun mehr 5 Jahren ist er der unumstritende König der Lüfte. Falcon4, und jetzt sind...


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Neues auf der Falcon4 Ecke

Nein, er ist noch nicht tot, seit nun mehr 5 Jahren ist er der unumstritende König der Lüfte. Falcon4, und jetzt sind wieder 2 neue Mods für ihn erschienen.

Zum einen die neueste Version von FreeFalcon. Dieser nunmehr 2te Teil der Reihe erweitert das Flugzeug und Waffenarsenal des Falken um eine Vielzahl von Fliegern. Nur hat die Sache einen kleinen Hacken: Die 3D Modelle sind zwar vorhanden, aber sind diese bei weitem noch nicht so gut ausgereifte, wie die 3d Modelle der Flieger die schon im Grundfalcon dabei waren. Trotzdem sind selbst diese "unfertigen" Modelle ein Augenschmaus. Verständlicherweise sind auch die Flugmodelle aller neuen Maschinen noch nicht 100% original.
Zu den Waffen: Es gibt viele neue Waffen, so zum Beispiel Graphitbomben um Kraftwerke auszuknipsen und viele neue "intelligente" Waffen, wie selbstkorrigierende Schüttbomben, und dieverse neue Spielarten bei den GBUs. Auch die Waffenauswahl bei manchen Fliegern wurde erweitert oder beschnitten. Aus GRünden der Campagnenengine mus zum Beispiel die A-10 zur ZEit noch mit 1 Maverick am Startgerät fliegen, aber da soll bald möglich behoben werden. Auch wurden die Hitpoints neu verteilt. Wer früher dachte, das er eine BRücke mit einer GBU-12 zerschlagen konnte wird heute erschrocken schauen, denn die Brücke wird nur beschädigt sein. Je nach Brückentyp braucht es da schon mindestens 2 GBU-12 um die BRücke zu zerstören, bei grösseren Bauwerken ist es natürlich genauso, da braucht man schon mal eine Tausendpfünder bis das Gebäude einstürzt.
Weiterhin wurde die AI massiv verbessert, wer früher Hubschrauber des GEgners ignoriert hat, wird grosse Probleme bekommen, wenn diese ihre Position an gegnerische CAP weiterleiten. Ebenso werden manche SAMs jetzt in Salven von 2-4 Raketen geschossen. Dasselbe gilt für gegnerische Luft-Luftraketen, wie es die russische Doktrin sagt.
Auch so gab es viele Änderunen im der gesamten AI-Engine, die ich bis jetzt noch garnicht alle bemerkt habe.
Das schönste sind aber Flugzeuge die in Reihe und Glied an den Airbases stehen, neue Objekte auf die Basen wir jede Menge Bäume, Flugzeugbunker und und und.. Es ist richtig was los, selbst bei den Standarteinstellungen. Mit ein paar Eingriffen in die Config kann die Anzahl der Bäume noch höher gedreht werden, und noch mehr Flugzeuge auf den Flugplätzen stehen.

Zur Installation:

Es wird eine saubere Installation von F4+SP3 gebraucht, darüber wird dann einfach FF2 installiert. Zu downloaden gibt es das Ding hier: (90MB) FEATURES Liste
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Space Cadet
Dabei seit

Was ganz besonderes ist BMS. Das ganze nennt sich Benchmarksims, und hat nur 1 zum Ziel: Grafische Verbesserungen. Zwar ist dsa Ding erst in der Version 0.7 draussen, läuft aber echt gut, hab noch 2-3 fps mehr rausgeholt.
Was das alles verbessert? Dazu poste ich mal die Original REadme:




1) Z-Buffering

- The Z-Buffer is currently enabled for all BSP objects. Enabling it for the terrain will take a while longer.

- The vast majority of objects work without issues, but some objects suffer from your typical case of z-fighting.

- These objects can be fixed by separating the problematic polys.

- New models must at a minimum sort translucent polys. This restriction will be removed soon.

+ To enable, check the Zbuffering button in the Advanced Graphics tab.

2) Mipmapping and Linear Mipmap Filtering:

- Mipmapping has been split into two separate settings (Object Mipmaps, and Landscape Mipmaps), and moved from falconsp.cfg to the Advanced Graphics tab.

- The new Linear Mipmap Filtering feature can be enabled in the Advanced Graphics tab.

- Trilinear filtering is enabled in the following cases:

Objects: Object Mipmaps + Filter Objects.

Landscape: Landscape Mipmaps + Filter Landscape.

+ Fixed bug where BSP objects were not getting mipmapped.

3) Fog and Haze

- Volumetric and linear vertex fog have been implemented for all BSP objects and the terrain.

- Fixes the notorious haze burn through bug.

+ Fixed TV/IR/NVG bugs.

4) Shimmering Objects

- Fixed a problem where hazed objects (the majority of ground objects) were not being filtered.

- Implemented alpha testing for chroma-keyed textures, allows them to be filtered.

+ The new filtering options and above fixes greatly reduces object shimmering.

5) Far Terrain Blending

- The far terrain tiles now blend more smoothly with the horizon.

6) 32-bit Alpha Textures

+ 32-bit alpha textures can be enabled in the Advanced Graphics tab.

+ Greatly increases visual quality of translucent textures.

+ Only the cloud sheet and sun have been implemented so far.

+ This is _NOT_ RealWeather, just one small step torwards that goal.


1) Adjustable FOV

- You can now adjust the field of view in game.

- This has multiple uses. Increasing the FOV can dramatically increase perception of speed, and can be used in
the virtual cockpit to see more of the cockpit. Decreasing the FOV allows closer inspection of far away
objects, and allows closeup views of the MFD's in the virtual cockpit.

- The following keystrokes can now be added to your keystrokes.key file:

FOVIncrease Increases the field of view by the number of degrees set by FOVIncrement
FOVDecrease Decreases the field of view by the number of degrees set by FOVIncrement
FOVDefault Sets the field of view to the default of 60 degrees

- A new variable g_fFOVIncrement has been added to the falcon.cfg file.

- Use this variable to set how much the field of view should change for each keypress in degrees.

- The behavior of the look closer key has been modified slightly. If in normal FOV (60 degrees),
it will change to 20 degrees FOV (normal look closer behavior). If the FOV is anything but the normal FOV,
it will return to normal FOV. The look closer key may therefore be used to return to default FOV without
assigning the FOVDefault key.

- Default value: set g_fFOVIncrement 5

+ FOV will now be retained when switching from external to internal views.

+ Stick input will now remain constant, regardless of FOV.

2) Maverick Zoom Levels

- Two new variables g_fMavEXPLevel and g_fMavFOVLevel have been added to falcon.cfg.

- These variables control the amount of zoom of the EXP and FOV modes on the Maverick.

+ Default values: set g_fMavEXPLevel 3, set g_fMavFOVLevel 6

+ The variables g_fMavEXPLevel and g_fMavFOVLevel were reversed. This has been corrected now. You should make a corresponding change in falconsp.cfg.

+ The numbers for each level represent the field of view of the Maverick (ie. MavEXPLevel 6 means that in EXP mode, the Maverick will have a 6 degree field of view). Lower values therefore result in higher zoom.

3) Force Feedback Centering

+ A new variable, g_bFFCenterFix has been added to falconsp.cfg

+ When set to 1, the FF stick will keep the default constant centering force, but will still play FF effects. This should resolve the problem of slack centering force when entering the campaign.

+ Default Value: set g_bFFCenterFix 0

4) Mouse Look

- A new variable g_bMouseLook has been added to the falcon.cfg.

- When set to 1, this will enable the mouselook mechanism that existed in earlier versions of falcon (ie. not smooth, but working).

5) Any Waypoint Tasking

- A new variable g_bAnyWaypointTask has been added to falcon.cfg.

- When set to 1, you can select any tasking order for any waypoint, regardless of mission.


1) MP Fixes

- Fixed off by 2-byte problem that sometimes prevented multipart messages from finishing.

+ Fix the long standing bug of when you click on a squadron to join in a MP campaign, you get the number of players in the game TOTAL, not the number of players actually in that squadron. Now you can click on a squad and know how many players are actually in that squad.


1) Native TrackIR support

+ By enabling the g_bEnableTrackIR variable in the FalconSP.cfg file Falcon will be able to communicate with the TrackIR device via the remote interface. All you have to do is starting up the Naturalpoint application prior to starting falcon. In the 3d Cockpit, it will work just as with the TIRF4 application.

+ Support for the 2d cockpit was also added, which can be activated by setting the g_bTrackIR2DCockpit variable to 1. The 2d pit support is a bit like a POV hat, which means that if you look up, the program will emulate an 'up' press on the POV hat, if you look left, the program will emulate a 'left' POV hat press etc. The repetition rate of these emulated presses can be configured by the g_nTrackIRSampleFreq variable. The units of this variable is in milliseconds, it defaults to 512 milliseconds (about 2 emulated keypresses per second).

+ The area where the TIR input will be interpreted as 'POV-press' can be configured as follows:
This is a view of the TIR receiver.. as long as the dot stays in the 'neutral' zone (if you look directly at the receiver) no change in the 2d cockpit will happen. The two configuration variables, g_fTIRPitchPercentage and g_fTIRPitchPercentage are symmetric to the 'zero' point

100% 0% 100%
v v v
------------------- <- 100%
| | up | |
| | | |
| l |---------| r | <- g_fTIRPitchPercentage
| e | | i |
| f | neutral | g | <- 0%
| t | | h |
| |---------| t | <- g_fTIRPitchPercentage
| | | |
| | down | |
------------------- <- 100%

+ You will not be able to pan the 3d cockpit using the mouse, keyboard or POV hat while the TrackIR is activated, you can however deactivate it with the F9 key at any time. After about two seconds you can use mouse/keyboard/pov to pan.

+ While in the 2d cockpit (with the TrackIR 2d mode enabled) you can still pan using the keyboard and mouse even when the TrackIR is activated, however you can also deactivate the TIR using F9.

+ Falconsp.cfg variables:

// Enables 3d Cockpit TrackIR
set g_bEnableTrackIR 0
// Enables TrackIR for the 2d cockpit. Only works if 3d cockpit support is enabled
set g_bTrackIR2DCockpit 0
// Determines how fast the 2d cockpit screens are switched
set g_nTrackIRSampleFreq 512
// configures the up/down zones for the TrackIR 2D mode
set g_fTIR2DPitchPercentage 0.5
// configures the left/right zones for the TrackIR 2D mode
set g_fTIR2DYawPercentage 0.5

1) New Animations

+ Added Spoiler animation.
+ Added Propellor (engine RPM relative) animation.
+ Added a more complex Swing Wing animation.
+ Added Exhaust Nozzle animation (DOF based, not switch based)

2) Other

+ Fixes for slot loading error (see BRU-55).

Kurze, deutsche Zusammenfassung: Neue Animationen (Drehzahlabhängige Darstellung von Proppellerdrehzahl/Düsenstellung, Verbesserte Darstellung von Objekten, und neue Obtionen bzgl. der Grafik, Mouselook, Bessere Wegpunktverfahren (weniger unsinnig gelegte Wegpunkte)..

Es gibt diese EXE Edits für die Standart SP3 Patches und für FreeFalcon2. Bitte beachten bei der Installation. Um von dieser neuen Modifikation zu profietieeren muss Falcon4 jetzt über die
F4-BMS.exe gestartet werden, alles andere funktioniert nicht.

Downloadlinks gibt es hier: (3mb)


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Wieder was neues...

BMS 0.8


TEilweise macht das Ding Falcon4 absolut unspielbar bei 0fps, teilweise pustet es die fps um 10fps nach oben.

Der downloadlink offenbart sowohl die Installationsdatei zu BMS 0.8 als auch einen HotFix. Ich hab keine Ahnung was der HotFix macht, aber ich hab ihn mal installiert.

Ich empfehle, sollte das Spiel nach der Installation von BMS 0.8 nicht einwandfrei laufen, im advanced Grafiksetup alles anzuschalten. Dann auf apply klichen, dadurch öffnet sich ein neues Fenster, das besagt, das die TExturen komprimiert werden. Das hat bei mir geschlagene 5min gedauert. Danach lief das Spiel einwandfrei.

Nach der Installation findet man im Falcon4 ordner eine Datei "_falcon4sp.cfg" den Inhalt kopiert man an die richtige Stelle in der "falcon4sp.cfg" (unter BMS, vorhandenes ggfs ersetzen, entsprechende Einstellungen vornehmen).


- Falls man in 1600 spielt aber kein passendes Cockpit vorliegt werden verfügbare pits upgescaled

-Grafische Verbesserungen

-Einstellbarer(per Mausrad) Sichtbereich, will heissen stufenloser Zoom des Blickwinkels. Im 2d Cockpit sind 115° schon geil, im 3d Pit aber zu viel (obwohl der Mensch etwa nen Blickfeld von 115° hat)

-Kopfbewegung per Maus in beiden Pits

- und und und


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Hier wieder die originalreadme

+ denotes new / changed items since previous release)



- This is a beta. As such, there may be bugs and incomplete features.

- PLEASE send your crashlogs to:!



+)) Texture Compression for BSP Objects

+ Compressed DXTn texturing has been implemented for the BSP object texture pool, KoreaObj.tex.

+ To enable this feature, select "Compressed textures" in the Advanced Graphics tab.

+ The fist time you select this option, Falcon 4 will unpack and convert the KoreaObj.tex paletted BMP textures, and place the resulting .DDS textures into Terrdata\Korea\KoreaObj\*.dds.

+ Falcon 4 will always ensure that this directory is kept in sync with KoreaObj.tex. Ie., if you delete, Falcon 4 will extract and compress texture 50 on startup.

+ The DDS textures can be in one of three formats, for now: DXT1 - for standard, or 1-bit alpha (formerly known as chroma-keyed) textures; DXT3 - for 16-bit textures requiring 4 bits of alpha; DXT5 - for High Quality 32-bit alpha textures with 8 bits of alpha.

+ You can open / save DDS textures by using the Nvidia DDS Photoshop plugin, located at This plugin also works in Paint Shop Pro, but an older version of the plugin is required.

+ Palettes are redundant when using compressed textures. All palette lighting has been moved to the geometry pipeline.

-)) Z-Buffering

- The Z-Buffer is currently enabled for all BSP objects. Enabling it for the terrain will take a while longer.

- The vast majority of objects work without issues, but some objects suffer from your typical case of z-fighting.

- These objects can be fixed by separating the problematic polys.

- New models must at a minimum sort translucent polys. This restriction will be removed soon.

- To enable, check the Zbuffering button in the Advanced Graphics tab.


-)) Mipmapping and Linear Mipmap Filtering:

- Mipmapping has been split into two separate settings (Object Mipmaps, and Landscape Mipmaps), and moved from falconsp.cfg to the Advanced Graphics tab.

- The new Linear Mipmap Filtering feature can be enabled in the Advanced Graphics tab.

- Trilinear filtering is enabled in the following cases:

Objects: Object Mipmaps + Filter Objects.

Landscape: Landscape Mipmaps + Filter Landscape.

- Fixed bug where BSP objects were not getting mipmapped.


- Mipmapping, and especially trilinear filtering, should only be enabled on video cards with 64 MB or greater of video RAM.

-)) Fog and Haze

- Volumetric and linear vertex fog have been implemented for all BSP objects and the terrain.

- Fixes the notorious haze burn through bug.

- Fixed TV/IR/NVG bugs.

-)) Shimmering Objects

- Fixed a problem where hazed objects (the majority of ground objects) were not being filtered.

- Implemented alpha testing for chroma-keyed textures, allows them to be filtered.

- The new filtering options and above fixes greatly reduces object shimmering.

-)) Far Terrain Blending

- The far terrain tiles now blend more smoothly with the horizon.

+)) DBS 1 and 2 scan rate Factors

+ Added two new falconsp.cfg variables:

set g_fDBS1ScanRateFactor 0.25
set g_fDBS2ScanRateFactor 0.05


+)) Easy / Simplified / Enhanced Avionics.

+ The bug that caused a CTD when being hit by a missile or when crashing should now be fixed.

+)) 3D Clickable Cockpit

+ A simple but functional 3D clickable cockpit system has been implemented.

+ The list of clickable buttons is contained in 3dbuttons.dat. This file should be placed in your cockpit directory.

+ In this release, the included dat file is designed for Aeyes f-16 3d cockpit. Currently most ICP, DED and MFD buttons have been implemented, but not all.

+ New dat files can be written for other cockpits and other aircraft. Dat files for other aircraft should be placed in the appropriate aircraft's cockpit directory. If you would like to write a dat file for another 3d cockpit and`would like help understanding how to do it, please contact Point of reference: the included dat file took a only a couple of hours to make.

+ Two new variables are recognized in falconsp.cfg. g_b3DClickableCockpit enables the 3D clickable cockpit. g_b3DClickableCockpitDebug enables the debug mode.

+ Debug mode displays the location of all button hotspots. Used mostly for writing new dat files.

+ Default values:

set g_b3DClickableCockpit 1
set g_b3DClickableCockpitDebug 0

+)) Cockpit Auto Scaling

+ falconsp.cfg now will recognize the variable g_bCockpitAutoScale

+ When set to 1, if you select a resolution without a corresponding cockpit, Falcon will attempt to scale the next best cockpit.

+ If using 1600 resolution, if no 1600 cockpit is found, Falcon will look for the existence of a 1280 cockpit, and will scale it up to 1600. If no 1280 cockpit is found, the 1024x768 cockpit will be scaled to 1600.

+ If using 1280 resolution, if no 1280 cockpit is found, Falcon will look for the existence of a 1600 cockpit, and will scale it down to 1280. If no 1600 cockpit is found, the 1024x768 cockpit will be scaled to 1280.

+ Default value: set g_bCockpitAutoScale 1

+)) Mouse Scroll Wheel and Middle Mouse Button

+ You can now use the scroll wheel and middle mouse button in Falcon.

+ By default, the wheel will control the FOV increase and decrease functions.

+ By default, the middle mouse button (or scroll wheel click) will set the FOV to default.

+ The behavior of the scroll wheel and middle mouse buttons can be modified by adding the following lines to your falconsp.cfg file:

set g_sScrollUpFunction ""
set g_sScrollDownFunction ""
set g_sMiddleButtonFunction ""

where is the name of the command you wish to execute as listed in your keystrokes file.

+ Each increment of the scroll wheel will cause the corresponding command to be executed once.

+ Default Values:

set g_sScrollUpFunction "FOVDecrease"
set g_sScrollDownFunction "FOVIncrease"
set g_sMiddleButtonFunction "FOVDefault"

-)) Adjustable FOV

- You can now adjust the field of view in game.

- This has multiple uses. Increasing the FOV can dramatically increase perception of speed, and can be used in
the virtual cockpit to see more of the cockpit. Decreasing the FOV allows closer inspection of far away
objects, and allows closeup views of the MFD's in the virtual cockpit.

- The following keystrokes can now be added to your keystrokes.key file:

FOVIncrease Increases the field of view by the number of degrees set by FOVIncrement
FOVDecrease Decreases the field of view by the number of degrees set by FOVIncrement
FOVDefault Sets the field of view to the default of 60 degrees

- A new variable g_fFOVIncrement has been added to the falcon.cfg file.

- Use this variable to set how much the field of view should change for each keypress in degrees.

- The behavior of the look closer key has been modified slightly. If in normal FOV (60 degrees),
it will change to 20 degrees FOV (normal look closer behavior). If the FOV is anything but the normal FOV,
it will return to normal FOV. The look closer key may therefore be used to return to default FOV without
assigning the FOVDefault key.

- Default value: set g_fFOVIncrement 5

- FOV will now be retained when switching from external to internal views.

- Stick input will now remain constant, regardless of FOV.

+ A new variable, g_fMaximumFOV can now be used to limit the maximum amount that the FOV can be increased.

+ Default value: set g_fMaximumFOV 80

-)) Maverick Zoom Levels

- Two new variables g_fMavEXPLevel and g_fMavFOVLevel have been added to falcon.cfg.

- These variables control the amount of zoom of the EXP and FOV modes on the Maverick.

- Default values: set g_fMavEXPLevel 3, set g_fMavFOVLevel 6

- The variables g_fMavEXPLevel and g_fMavFOVLevel were reversed. This has been corrected now. You should make a corresponding change in falconsp.cfg.

- The numbers for each level represent the field of view of the Maverick (ie. MavEXPLevel 6 means that in EXP mode, the Maverick will have a 6 degree field of view). Lower values therefore result in higher zoom.


- If g_fMavEXPLevel is greater than or equal to g_fMavFOVLevel, EXP will NOT work!

-)) Force Feedback Centering

- A new variable, g_bFFCenterFix has been added to falconsp.cfg

- When set to 1, the FF stick will keep the default constant centering force, but will still play FF effects. This should resolve the problem of slack centering force when entering the campaign.

- Default Value: set g_bFFCenterFix 0

+)) Mouse Look

- A new variable g_bMouseLook has been added to the falcon.cfg.

- When set to 1, this will enable the mouselook mechanism that existed in earlier versions of falcon (ie. not smooth, but working).

+ Mouselook is significantly smoother than the previous version in both 2D and 3D cockpits.

+ A new variable g_fMouseLookSensitivity can now be used in falconsp.cfg to set the sensivity of the new mouselook. Higher numbers mean more sensitive. Sensitivity in both 3D and 2D cockpits should be modified by this variable.

+ Default value: set g_fMouseLookSensitivity 0.5

-)) Any Waypoint Tasking

- A new variable g_bAnyWaypointTask has been added to falcon.cfg.

- When set to 1, you can select any tasking order for any waypoint, regardless of mission.


Space Cadet
Dabei seit

1) MP Fixes

- Fixed off by 2-byte problem that sometimes prevented multipart messages from finishing.

- Fix the long standing bug of when you click on a squadron to join in a MP campaign, you get the number of players in the game TOTAL, not the number of players actually in that squadron. Now you can click on a squad and know how many players are actually in that squad.


1) Native TrackIR support

- By enabling the g_bEnableTrackIR variable in the FalconSP.cfg file Falcon will be able to communicate with the TrackIR device via the remote interface. All you have to do is starting up the Naturalpoint application prior to starting falcon. In the 3d Cockpit, it will work just as with the TIRF4 application.

- Support for the 2d cockpit was also added, which can be activated by setting the g_bTrackIR2DCockpit variable to 1. The 2d pit support is a bit like a POV hat, which means that if you look up, the program will emulate an 'up' press on the POV hat, if you look left, the program will emulate a 'left' POV hat press etc. The repetition rate of these emulated presses can be configured by the g_nTrackIRSampleFreq variable. The units of this variable is in milliseconds, it defaults to 512 milliseconds (about 2 emulated keypresses per second).

- The area where the TIR input will be interpreted as 'POV-press' can be configured as follows:
This is a view of the TIR receiver.. as long as the dot stays in the 'neutral' zone (if you look directly at the receiver) no change in the 2d cockpit will happen. The two configuration variables, g_fTIRPitchPercentage and g_fTIRPitchPercentage are symmetric to the 'zero' point

100% 0% 100%
v v v
------------------- <- 100%
| | up | |
| | | |
| l |---------| r | <- g_fTIRPitchPercentage
| e | | i |
| f | neutral | g | <- 0%
| t | | h |
| |---------| t | <- g_fTIRPitchPercentage
| | | |
| | down | |
------------------- <- 100%

- You will not be able to pan the 3d cockpit using the mouse, keyboard or POV hat while the TrackIR is activated, you can however deactivate it with the F9 key at any time. After about two seconds you can use mouse/keyboard/pov to pan.

- While in the 2d cockpit (with the TrackIR 2d mode enabled) you can still pan using the keyboard and mouse even when the TrackIR is activated, however you can also deactivate the TIR using F9.

- Falconsp.cfg variables:

// Enables 3d Cockpit TrackIR
set g_bEnableTrackIR 0
// Enables TrackIR for the 2d cockpit. Only works if 3d cockpit support is enabled
set g_bTrackIR2DCockpit 0
// Determines how fast the 2d cockpit screens are switched
set g_nTrackIRSampleFreq 512
// configures the up/down zones for the TrackIR 2D mode
set g_fTIR2DPitchPercentage 0.5
// configures the left/right zones for the TrackIR 2D mode
set g_fTIR2DYawPercentage 0.5


- Added Spoiler animation.

- Added Propellor (engine RPM relative) animation.

- Added a more complex Swing Wing animation.

- Added Exhaust Nozzle animation (DOF based, not switch based)

+ Added new animations for Throttle and RPM

+ DOF based animation for Refuel Probe/Door.

+ Two new Node types, both derived from BSubTreeNode:

BScaleNode - for scaling child nodes (limited usefulness since normals become bent)
BTransNode - for translating child nodes

+ New BNode - BXDofNode. Similar to the BDofNode but includes a multiplier so each individual DOF using a particular ID can be rotated to a different degree. This should get rid of the need for multiple nest DOFs, and is more flexible.

+ Fixes for slot loading error (see BRU-55).

+ New global g_bDisableMissleEngGlow (default true). Turns off that star displayed with the missle flame.

+ Missle data item, engLocation (vector defualt 0,0,0). This is used to more accurately place the engGlowBSP (missle flame). If the x value = 0, then the old placement code is used to maintain compatibility.

+ Added code to support rolling wheels

+ 3D pit has full animation that the players a/c has.

+ 3D pit sets textureset to match players a/c (this could be optimized a little bit)

+ Code added to read in Wheel radii, and Strobe timer.

+ New DOF ID's for rolling Gears

+ Switch ID's reserved for cockpits - cockpit get the full animation of the players a/c

+ 2D pit has full animation that the players a/c has.

+ 2D pit sets textureset to match players a/c (this could be optimized a little bit)

+ Added code to support rolling wheels, strobe light, exhaust nozzle DOF and tail hook DOF


+ Add key binding support for External Fuel Transfer switch on the FUEL QTY SEL panel. Suggested keystrokes.key file line for this would be:

SimExtFuelTrans 1136 0 0X20 3 0 0 1 "Ext Fuel Transfer Switch" CTL-SHF-d

+ Make Master Caution sh.mem bit come on depending on the fault state not whether the lamp is lit or not. This ensures that the Master Caution state bit in the shared memory is correct even if the button is not present in the current field of view.

+ Made fixes to ensure that all data bit values and float values that are exported as part of the shared memory are always up to date. Previously many of these values were only updated to the shared memory if the player was actually looking at the lamp or gauge in question. This should make life much easier for cockpit builders who want to have their physical hardware track the state of the F-16 in the game.

+ Make sure that the shared memory copy of the light bits for MainGen and StdbyGen track the lamp state in the game. Previously the bits showed on when the generators were running; this is the reverse of how the lamps work in the real jet. Also make sure though that the lamps only light if the ELEC panel power switch isn't in the "off" position.

Hier der download link:

Achja: Keine Gewähr ob das funzt.. eure Entscheidung ob ihr das installiert!!


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Der Thread hier scheint ja ein totaler Brüller zu sein.. trotzdem mach ich mal weiter...

Eine neue Version von BMS ist erschienen (wie alle 2-3 Wochen). Diesmal ist es Version 0.9.2 wie immer als BETA. Sie ist zu den vorher erschiennenden kompatible, man muss nur die Setup Datei runterladen, installieren und mit einem Klick auf die BMS.exe das spiel starten.
Vorraussetzungen Falcon 1.08 mit Sp3 und optional: FreeFalcon2

- Zu den Neuerungen:

Es wird weiterhin an der Grafik gepfeilt, und es sind neue Möglichkeiten hinzugekommen, wie F4 de TExturen handeln soll. Da wirkt sich extrem auf die FPS aus.

Wählt man die "neue" Texturenkompression aus, läuft das Ding zwar wie eine 1 aber das packen&entpacken der Texturen kann bis zu einer halben Stunde dauern, je nach Rechnerleistung. Natürlich muss dieser Vorgang nur 1 mal ausgeführt werden. Bei jedem Neustart von F4 überprüft F4 ob de Texturen noch da sind, was aber nur wenige Sekunden dauert.

Weiterhin gab es Verbeserungen im Bereich der Avionik, und vorallem wurden die Wingman weiter verbessert.

Es gab auch Verbesserungen im Soundtechnischen Bereich, Stichwort 3d Sound und Dopplereffekt, das habe ich bisher aber noch nicht getestet.

Zum downloaden gibt es das hier, in einem Modem freundlichen Gesamtgewicht von 5MB

wie immer README beachten, und keine Gewähr


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Aus Gewohnheit hier noch mal die Veränderungwen aus der Orignalreadme übernommen:

F4-BMS 0.92 BETA - 22Oct03

- This is a beta. As such, there may be bugs and incomplete features.
- PLEASE send your crashlogs to:!



+)) Fixed untextured terrain and CTD's in Recon.

+)) Fixed bug that required Falcon to be restarted after switching texture pools.

+)) Fixed corrupt UI screenshots.


F4-BMS 0.9 BETA - 21Oct03



+)) Compressed DXTn texturing has now been implemented for both the terrain tiles and far tiles.

+)) To enable the DDS compressed textures (for objects, terrain, and clouds + sun), select "DDS Pool (DXTn Compressed)" in the new "Texture Pool" dropdown box in Advanced Graphics. The other two options make use of the normal, paletted textures.

+)) The fist time you select the above option, all of the paletted textures located in KoreaObj.tex,, and fartiles.raw will be unpacked, converted, and compressed. KoreaObj DDS textures will go into terrdata\objects\KoreaObj\, terrain tiles to \terrdata\korea\texture\texture\, and the far tiles to \terrdata\korea\texture\



+)) Once the DDS textures have been created, they will be verified on each subsequent startup of Falcon. If one of the texture files is missing, the relevant texture will be extracted, converted, and compressed again. Ie., if you delete terrdata\objects\KoreaObj\, it will be extracted, converted, and compress on startup. If you wish to create a new DDS texture for one of the skins or terrain tiles, simply replace any existing DDS file. No information needs to be written to KoreaObj.hdr or textures.bin. To add NEW textures, the legacy method of using LODeditor must be used for now, until the tools are updated.

+)) The object (KoreaObj) DDS textures can be in one of three formats, for now: DXT1 - for standard, or 1-bit alpha (formerly known as chroma-keyed) textures; DXT3 - for 16-bit textures requiring 4 bits of alpha; DXT5 - for High Quality 32-bit alpha textures with 8 bits of alpha. Maximum supported texture resolution for these is 2048x2048.

+)) The terrain ( DDS textures must be in DXT1 compressed format. Maximum resolution is 1024x1024. Falcon will only use the H tiles when rendering the landscape with the DDS Texture Pool enabled, and will multi-texture the new N Tiles at night (night lights.) Terrain developers can now work with the full color palette offered by 16-bit textures to create both custom H and N tiles, without being restricted by a palette.

+)) The DDS "versions" of the Far tiles, generated automatically by sptinstall.exe, are now located in fartiles.DDS. Since there are well over 50,000 textures, they must live within an archive. F4-BMS 1.0 will do away entirely with the far tiles.


+)) Selecting ALT FLAPs will now configure the F-16 in FLCS takeoff & landing gains as it should.

+)) The LG (Landing Gear) Warning Horn will now sound for aircraft other than the F-16. Conditions for the horn (and flashing WARN) are:
Main Landing Gear (MLG) not down and locked and all of the following conditions exist:
- Airspeed below 190 knots
- Pressure altitude is less than 10,000 ft
- Rate of descent is greater than 250 ft/min

+)) The AI wingmen are now *more* ready, willing and able to attack ground targets at the IP or very shortly thereafter.

+)) The ground rumble sound that was frequently heard when flying near or over airfields from landing aircraft has now been disabled. The ground rumble bug allowed for the sound to play when the aircraft was in the air but over an airfield or airstrip. That will no longer occur. It is fixed so that the sound only plays for the player and only when on the ground. Players will no longer hear the sound from the AI either.


+)) The horizon line in the HUD now extends across the entire HUD FOV.

+)) If the FPM is displaced outside the HUD FOV, it stays in the HUD FOV and has an X displaced over the symbol indicating that it is unreliable. Flight conditions such as a strong crosswind, extreme rudder input and high G maneuvers will cause this.

+)) When the normal horizon line is not in the HUD FOV, it is replaced by a ghost horizon line. The center of the ghost horizon line is on the outer edge of an imaginary circle with an 8° radius centered in the HUD FOV. The ghost horizon rotates around the center of the circle to indicate which direction to pull toward the real horizon.

+)) When the aircraft is in a dive (FPM below the horizon), the dive attitude bars are bent incrementally. The minimum bend is 8.3° and the maximum bend is 45° (at 90° of dive). Also note the negative pitch ladder lines are different.

+)) When the steerpoint diamond is out of the HUD FOV, it will be displaced in the HUD side of the shortest turn to get to the STPT and will have an “X” superimposed over it.


+)) Some minor tweaks to the AIM-9 uncaged symbology have been made. The missile diamond flashes when the target is within maximum range and the missile reticle and missile diamond flash when the target is within the maneuver zone (between RMAX2 and RMIN2).

+)) Ownship bullseye is now displayed in the lower left-hand corner of the HUD. It is in Bearing/Range format. Ex: 020 120.

+)) The INS DED page (LIST, 6) now updates the aircraft’s lattitude, longitude, heading and system altitude in real time as it should.

+)) The GPS DED page (LIST, 0, 6) now has the current date (instead of 12/23/00) and groundspeed displayed.

+)) The tail of the HSI bearing pointer has been brought back from the dead. This allows the pilot to assess what radial he/she is on.

+)) Fixed a CTD when the player was using Easy avionics.

+)) Aeyes DED spacing fix for high resolutions has been implemented.
Default Value: set g_bDEDSpacingFix 0
Set value of 1 to enable it.

+)) Fixed cockpit resizing not working.

+)) When g_bCockpitAutoScale is enabled and 800x600 or 640x480 is selected, the 1024 cockpit will be rescaled to that resolution. Font size may be an issue at these resolutions.

+)) The mouse cursor in the 3D clickable cockpit will now disappear a few seconds after the last movement.

+)) Enabled option g_b3DClickableCursorChange to allow cursor color in the 3D cockpit to change when over a clickable button. Enabling this option may have a negative performance impact, particularly on slow machines.


+)) Falcon will now load the sound table from a text file in the Sounds folder.

+)) Added the doppler affect to certain sounds. This is BETA, but shouldn't cause any crashes. WARNING: Using 3D sounds can mess up sound in the cockpit (makes sounds louder and engine sounds have been known to have a "skipping" sound to them when adjusting the throttle). Use at your OWN RISK--if skipping occurs, you'll have to live without 3D sound and Doppler because Dopppler is dependent on enabling 3D sound. Check out the Doppler affect by using the Flyby view (shift 8).

The variable "set g_bUse3dSound 0" MUST be set to 1 in order for Doppler to work!! Change it in the falconsp.cfg file OR (easier) use the FalconSP Config Editor to turn it on. Put these lines in your falconsp.cfg file:

set g_bEnableDopplerSound 1
set g_fSoundDopplerFactor .01
set g_fSoundDopplerBlend 30.0


+)) Added keystrokes to control the Autopilot switches. This should make it easier for cockpit builders. Suggested keystrokes are:

SimLeftAPUp -1 0 0X10 2 0 0 1 "Left AP Switch Up"
SimLeftAPMid -1 0 0X10 4 0 0 1 "Left AP Switch Middle"
SimLeftAPDown -1 0 0X10 5 0 0 1 "Left AP Switch Down"
SimRightAPUp -1 0 0X11 2 0 0 1 "Right AP Switch Up"
SimRightAPMid -1 0 0X11 4 0 0 1 "Right AP Switch Middle"
SimRightAPDown -1 0 0X11 5 0 0 1 "Right AP Switch Down"

which are: "Q" for left and "W" for right where each is modified by
ALT = Middle; and
ALT+SHF = Down.

Ganz wichtig:

Die BMS und FF2 Edits sind bisher nur mit dem Original Korea Theater kompatible. Alle anderen Theater kann man zwar auch integrieren, aber hat man da nur in geringem Masse Verbesserungen zu erwarten (vorallem die Verbesserungen im Kampagnenengine entfallen)

Falls es Fragen gibt, immer her damit.
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Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Ein neuer Hot Fix für die BMS.EXE ist raus. Version 0.9.2

Gibt es unter oben genannten Link oder hier (oft down)

Wieder drauf achten, das ihr die für eure Installation richtige EXE zieht. Der Hot Fix wird einfach über die bestehende Installation von 0.9 installiert.

Das einzigste Problem was behoben wird sind Grafikfehler, das z.B. einzelne Felder schneeweiss waren, sowie Probleme mit den komprimierten Texturen.. Hier wieder die Original readme

F4-BMS 094 BETA - 24Oct03

- This is a beta. As such, there may be bugs and incomplete features.
- PLEASE send your crashlogs to:!



+)) Fixed broken tooltips.

+)) Finished implementation of M + L terrain tiles for the DDS texture pool, and re-activated them for the palettized pool. This should fix the white tile syndrome some people were experiencing. Each H M and L dds texture now has a corresponding texture, which is multi-textured with the normal, "day" texture at night to produce night lights.

+)) This version will recompress the terrain tiles once on startup to account for above changes.

+)) Added a new button in Advanced GFX Setup, "Compress Textures", which is to be used for re-compressing all paletted textures, without having to manually erase them.

+)) Modified versioning scheme. The dot has been dropped.


Wieder gilt zu beachten: Erdferkel nix schuld wenn System kaputt, also keine Gewähr das das Ding funzt, ist ja schliesslich Beta (wenn auch eine sehr stabile Beta)

Desweiteren ist das Ägäis Theatre, beheimatet run um GRiechenland und Türkei in en Beta Status gegangen. Leider nur für das beteiligte Team. Wir Aussenstehenden haben nichts davon. Aber dieses Theater baut vollkommen auf die Edits und Flugzeuge von FF2 auf, sodas wir das einiges erwarten können (Mirage gegen F-16 etc)


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Wieder eine neue BMS.exe raus, Version 097. Hab sie gerade erst installiert, kann noch nichts dazu sagen. Was aber ganz wichtig ist, ihr müsst die Exe nur runterladen und installieren. Eine Falcon4 neuinstallation ist NICHT notwendig. Nach der Installation startet diesmal der F4 Patch Manager, da gibt es diesmal extra eine Unterkategorie für alle BMS Einstellungen. Also kein tweaken des falconsp.cfg datei.
Dann f4bms.exe starten, und in den grafikoptionen unter advanced wieder das anstellen, was man vorher auch anhatte und die Texturen neu komprimieren. Dann kann man zocken gehen.

Die meines erachtens wichtigste Neurung ist, das es nun in Strike/OCA missionen mehr als 1 4-Ship das Ziel angreifen kann. Will heissen, das es möglich ist, das auch mal 2-3 4 Ships das Ziel angreifen, plus Escorts und SEADs. Das wird sicher ein Heidenspass.:HOT :HOT :HOT

F4-BMS v097 BETA - 05Nov03

- This is a beta. As such, there may be bugs and incomplete features.
- PLEASE send your crashlogs to:!



+)) The Z-Buffer has been temporarily disabled for this release due to experimental / unfinished / WIP code.

+)) Fixed a bug with the DDS Texture Pool where some models using particular textures were getting shaded incorrectly (ie., one of the SP4 F-16's.)

+)) Added an "Apply" button to Advanced GFX.

+)) The texture pools will no longer sync on startup.


+)) Unit icons, unit names, rader or aaa envelopes and the bullseye are now sticky in the campaign/TE map. IE if you set the map to display the bullseye and fly a mission, it will still appear when returning. By default, airfields, ground (combat) units and fighters/unknowns are displayed. Note that ground unit division/brigade/bataillon size is NOT carried over.

+)) You can now tell Falcon to use 'external' (ie not on the primary input device located) rudder and throttle devices.

2 new lines have been added to the FalconSp.cfg file.

set g_nThrottleDeviceID 0

set g_nRudderDeviceID 0

The number after the variable name is the Falcon deviceID (plus an offset). 0 is the default, oFF, value. You can find the deviceID of your throttle by looking at the falcon controller configuration screen. The first device in the device combobox (after the keyboard) has the ID 0, the next lowest has 1, the next 2 etc. Please remember that you have to add 2 to these values.

Please note also that you can only use rudder axis for the (game) rudder axis, and slider(throttle)-axis for the (game) throttle axis. Ie you may NOT use a secondary joystick´s X and Y axis for the falcon rudder and throttle axis.

An example: you own a Logitech FF Joystick and a X36. You had Falcon configured to use the Logitech stick as input device (to use the ForceFeedback effects) but were not able to use the X36s rudder and throttle axis. You note that in the falcon controller drop-down-box, the logitech stick is listed directly after the keyboard, after that the X36 is listed.To use the Logitech stick as the 'primary' flight stick, configure it as normal in the falcon controller screen. Then exit falcon and edit the falconsp.cfg. Change the set g_nThrottleDeviceID 0 and set g_nRudderDeviceID 0 lines both to set g_nThrottleDeviceID 3 set g_nRudderDeviceID 3 (this is the device ID of the x36, 1, with 2 added). Save the file and restart F4, you now should be able to control rudder and throttle with the x36 :)

Just remember, if you run into problems, just set both values to 0 again, which will deactivate this feature again.


+)) Exported the variables the AI use for various weapon classes and the altitudes in which they attack from. This is global for all aircraft right now, but will allow the user to configure what altitude the AI will attack from. This can prevent the AI from diving from high/medium altitude down in the MANPAD/AAA envelopes. For example, it's now possible to have the AI relatively stay in formation and drop dumb bombs from 20,000 ft. The categories are HARM, Air-to-Ground missiles (mavericks, jsow, etc), GBUs, Durandals, Cluster bombs, Generic (conventional bombs), Guns/Rockets and Recce camera. Change the number to the desired altitude. If you wanted the AI to drop dumb bombs from 20,000 ft, the line would look like this:

set g_fA2GGenericBombAlt 20000.0f

The default values (which WERE hardcoded prior to variable export) are:

//Change A/G attack altitudes
g_fA2GHarmAlt = 0.0f
g_fA2GAGMAlt = 4000.0f
g_fA2GGBUAlt = 13000.0f
g_fA2GDurandalAlt = 250.0f
g_fA2GClusterAlt = 5000.0f
g_fA2GGenericBombAlt = 11000.0f
g_fA2GGunRocketAlt = 7000.0f
g_fA2GCameraAlt = 7000.0f

Setting a value to "0.0f" means the AI will terrain follow at 500 feet.

Having the same values set for Multiplayer is recommended, but shouldn't cause any problems, as the values set by the HOST will be used for the AI.

+)) Added a new variable that will allow the campaign to generate larger strike packages. Now, for missions like OCAs against an airbase, the campaign should generate strike packages that have two flights of 4 to attack the base, instead of one. This should allow little more realistic numbers for a package attacking a target, instead of the typical "alone and unafraid" 4-ship.

//Allow Large Strike generation in campaign
set g_bLargeStrike 1

+)) Got rid of the annoying takeoff wav sound that played when launching a mission. To ENABLE it set the following to a value of "1".

set g_bTakeoffSound 0

+)) Lowered the runway width check Falcon uses to determine if a section (or element--i.e., 2-ship) takeoff will be done. This is the element lining up right before takeoff. On some runways, AI would not line up as an element.

+)) Scramble missions are now working and no longer dependent on airbase relocation code. They default to on and can be turned OFF with "set g_bScramble 0".

set g_bScramble 1

+)) Two of the campaign priority sliders have been changed. The Aircraft slider will now generate more sweeps (as opposed to Escorts) and the OCA slider generates Escorts (instead of Sweeps).

+)) Hitting Vne (Never exceed speed - 800 KCAS for the F-16) will play the overspeed wind sound. Vne + 5% plays the damage sounds (840 knots for F-16). Exceeding Vne does not cause any damage (it's a big can o' worms).


+)) FOV will now be set to 60 degrees when the exit menu comes up (ESC key). This should ensure that the exit box isnt scaled incorrectly.

+)) The RECON view now shows target latitude and longitude for the object you are reconning. This should be VERY useful for targeting purposes--allowing flight members to manually change their TGT steerpoint to the Lat/Long of their SPECIFIC target. This should help the issue of having some "generic" steerpoint at some random location at an object like an airbase. Now flight members can program in the steerpoint of the object they will be targetting AT the airbase (or whatever the tgt is). The following config variables are OFF by default. Set them to "1" to turn them on.

set g_bPrecisionWaypoints 1
set g_bReconLatLong 1

Basically, waypoints are defined in space by a grid coordinate that is 1km by 1km. When you entered a steerpoint, it converts it to a grid coordinate, and then back to a lat/long which is where the error occurred. So what I did was put two new variables in a waypoint that are the actual coordinate (as opposed to grid coordinate) and then return that instead of the grid coordinate converted. It could cause some AI weirdness, so it OFF by DEFAULT. A second issue was Falcon was interpreting the STPT entries as minutes, seconds, not minutes.decimal as it should have been.

++) Two new keystrokes, SimECMSwitchOff and SimECMSwitchOn can now be added to your keystrokes.key file. These keys will turn the ECM off and on respectively. Please note that the current keystroke SimECMOn has been left untouched, and will continue to operate as a toggle.


+)) Fixed Betty's "Bingo" call. Line 61/62 previously only played bingo sound if it is already being played, which was probably a typo - there's an example of the same thing (done correctly) on lines 75/76. Added ! to fix the check to play "Bingo" if not currently being played


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Eurofighter Typhoon Update

Hab einen kleinen Patch entwickelt, mit dem die Simulation des Eurofighter Typhoon's in Falcon 4.0 mit dem Free Falcon 2 Upgrade verbessert wird.
Zu den Verbesserungen gehören:
- verbessertes Flugmodell
- Korrigierte Massen und Treibstoffzuladung
- realistische Anzahl von Chaffs und Flares
- realistischere Bewaffnungskonfigurationen
- modifizierte Rolling Fire Kampagne, mit einer Eurofighter Staffel

Runterladen kann man den Patch hier:

Installationanleitung befindet sich in der Readme, welche in der Zip enthalten ist.
P.P.S: Der Patch funktionierte bei mir auch ohne Probs mit der BMS-exe (mit Version 0.97 getestet).

Gruß Viking


ich habe gerade free falcon2 installiert und jetzt ruckelt mein falke wie sau und ist nicht spielbar.langen 1 ghz und mx440 jetzt doch nicht mehr???dann bleibe ich lieber bei sp3


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Bei mir ruckelts, wenn ich NICHT unter advanced im Setup, bei Grafik fast AG-radar und 2-D Cockpit aktiviert habe.


Space Cadet
Dabei seit

Der musste jetzt sein. Die neue BMS.exe ist raus. Runterzuladen an dem bereits mehrfach obengenannten Locations oder . Diesmal nur 1 Exe für alle möglichen Falcon Variaten (SP3 SP4 FF2) Wieder einfach nur über die bestehende Version installieren. Dann wird wieder die neue F4Patch Version starten, da bitte wieder jeder seine benötigten Patches installieren, ->ok
Falcon4 starten und fertig ist. Dann in den Grafikobtionen unter advanced wieder alles einschalten, wie es einem beliebt, bzw was benötigt wird -> Compress ->Apply->Ok fertig.
Natürlich müssen die Wolken angeschaltet sein, und in den Weatheroptions das ihm liebste Wetter aussuchen. Schon hat man: Volumetrische Wolken und einfach nur "GEILE" Himmelstexturen. Natürlich gibt es noch mehr, aber die Himmeltexturen und Wolken sind DER Hammer :TOP: Weitere Änderungen wieder aus der Originalreadme:

+)) Allow 1600x1200 and 1280x1024 splash screens.

+)) BvrEngageCheck only checks bvrActionStep if not already 0.

+)) Use simple flight model for "FollowWaypoint" and "FlyBVRFormation" BVR tactics.

+)) Don't leave missile engage mode as soon as missile can't reach but at 1.09* that range (just like for angle limit check).

+)) Fixed MFD and HUD view mode when loading saved cockpit settings.

+)) Added confiration options to use Higher-Res textures at higher altitudes and never let the fartiles kick in at high altitudes.

+)) Fixed EyeFly (Ctrl-Z F, then use trigger to move around while using throttle and rudders.)

+)) Instant Action: Improved Loadout (still unrealistic, but meant for practice)
- Fighter Sweep: Added AIM-9X to F-16 for additional A-A fun.
- Moving Mud: Swapped loadout for "better looks" (LGB to inner hardpoints etc.)

+)) Added options to disable lens flares and to force the DXTn sun.


+)) 3D Clickable Cockpit: Added the ability to use the right mouse button in the 3d clickable cockpit.

+)) A new smaller bullseye has been activated when in bullseye mode.

+)) Realism Enhancements:

- Changed the behavior of the HSD EXP modes. EXP modes will now center around the HSD cursor, rather than ownship.

- Added a new variable, g_bSmallerBullseye. When enabled, this sets the size of the bullseye to a smaller, more realistic size. May be too small at 1024 resolution, so it is defaulted to off.

- Added a new variable g_fHSDSymbolSize. This allows the waypoint symbols on the HSD display to be scaled to more realistic sizes. The realistic value is 0.025, but it has been left at the MPS default 0.05 as the realistic value may be too small at 1024 resolution.

+)) Fixed the issue of the hud being shifted too high in fullscreen hud mode at 1.25 ratios.

+)) Added a new falconsp.cfg variable that allows you to set the default FOV. Default Value: set g_fDefaultFOV 60

Anbei ein Bild, das ich gerade ebend geschossen hab. Nicht nachbearbeitet. Die Kanten kommen durchs verkleinern. Für schöneres Screenschots schaut mal bei Buddy-Spike rein. Dort trefft ihr noch mehr Falcon4 Verrückte, und auch Leute die sich mit der Materie beschäftigen und gute Tips auf Lager haben. Schaut mal rein.

Bilder der neuen BMS.exe

Für alle die denken: Dafür braucht man ja ein Highend Rechner: Teilweise haben Leute mit einem PIII 600 Mhz Fps um die 30-40!!!! aber natürlich mit leichten Grafikeinbussen.
Anhang anzeigen
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Weiter geht der BMS-Reigen.. Installationsroutine wie immer.. diesmal aber vorallkem in den Falcon4 optionen besonders draufachten, das man alles wieder korrekt einstellt.


8Mb gross.

Diese BMS ist zu SP3 im Multiplayer inkompatibel!!!!!

Wenn ihr also im Multiplayer zockt, stellt sicher, das entweder alle SP3 only haben oder alle die BMS099

Für die Singleplayer gilt: Einfach die Installation starten, wie immer

F4-BMS v099 BETA - 26Nov03

- This is a beta. As such, there may be bugs and incomplete features.
- PLEASE send your crashlogs to:!



+)) RealWeather Changes:

- Campaign: Campaign weather is now dynamic. When you start a new campaign, a random weather condition will be generated, along with proper temperature and wind speed. The weather will gradually change over time, a maximum of once per day. Furthermore, temperatures and wind speeds should drop during the night, to go back up the day after. When you save a campaign, the current weather at that point in time will also be saved. If you don't like the generated weather condition, go into Graphics Setup, unlock the condition from the new weather list box, and select a new one. From that point on, the campaign will go dynamic again.

- TE Weather: On loading up an old TE, F4 will now generate a random weather condition. You may select a different condition per above instructions. TE's saved with BMS 099 or greater will retain the current weather condition.

- Instant Action: Instant Action will use the current weather condition listed in the Graphics Setup weather listbox. This value is now sticky.

- MP: The MP weather implementation has been totally rewritten. Unfortunately, this means that BMS is no longer compatible with the SP3.exe.

- Bug Fixes: All known bugs have been fixed, including rain above the overcast layer, bad weather lighting turning night into day, Preview CTD's, etc, etc.

+)) An elusive, but IMHO major bug in the SP3 code has been fixed. For some reason (DB errors?), objects without sensors may spike the player, and this caused a CTD. Why? Because the code would walk the object's sensory array, even when the object had no sensors, or the sensor array pointer was uninitialized.


+)) TWS cursor attach bug fixed. Cursor will no longer stay attached to targets when radar lock or designate is broken, or gimbal limits have been exceeded.

+)) Helicopter AI will now fire Hellfires at the correct stand-off distance.

+)) DBS2 magnification corrected to reflect the area between the tick marks in DBS1 mode. DBS2 now provides greater magnification (64:1 instead of 8:1).

+)) BARCAP station area increased to 50NM. Please note that you must request and receive permission from AWACS to leave your station area for the mission to be a success. According to MPS standards, you must remain in station area (now 50NM), complete station time, and ask permission to leave. If you request relief before station time is completed, AWACS will give permission if you are "Bingo" fuel (that is calculated at internal fuel/3) or if you are out of missiles. If conditions are met, AWACS will grant you permission to leave. If you don't get that permission, don't leave until you do.

+)) Added center-point to the gun strafe circle.

+)) Added STRAF mode to the A/G cycle (shift-/ while airborne). Now cycles CCRP-CCIP-DTOS-STRAF.

+)) Adjusted STRAF in-range cue line to work when within 8000 feet to reflect PGU-28 bullet type.

+)) Non-F16 aircraft will no longer retract their speedbrakes to 43 degrees when gear are down. This is now F-16 specific.

+)) Campaign waypoint speeds are now a direct conversion from the database. The Unit->movespeed is in Kilometers (PER MPS) and is then converted to NM by the waypoint code. Previously, the code was subject to various percentage calculations that made it difficult to accurately set the desired waypoint speeds. The percentage reductions have been removed and now what is entered in movespeed using F4browse will be what the waypoint speeds are set. Also note that Falcon does a KCAS conversion of the waypoint speed to account for differences in waypoint altitudes. If the DB is set in KM to give 350 knots after conversion, that 350 knots is the Sea Level speed. The KCAS conversion will reduce that speed in the waypoint boxes per altitude. Also the waypoint error checking code is now based on a percentage of movespeed (30% above or below).

+)) Fixed aircraft flying with flaps down during waypoints. Aircraft will raise flaps > 200 VCAS.

+)) Aircraft stuttering (0.5 second lurches) when player in A/G mode is fixed (Credit Wombat, assist from Saint).


+)) MAL/IND button now plays all VMS words once each while you hold the push button (release the button and the litany will stop). Any one got a gear horn sound sample?? ;-) Also added a bit to the shared memory to indicate if the Autopilot is engaged or not. Useful for driving the correct sort of magnetically held toggle switch if you have one for a physical cockpit MISC panel.

+)) Updated sound code to allow the VMS system to play the test message on the ground but if and only if the MAL/IND light is pressed. Code updated to use the proper sample that has Betty say all the words in her vocabulary once each for the test. Thanks for Mirv for the sound file and to MRivers for inserting it into the sound effects set.

+)) Adding new key commands for placing the following switches directly in their "up" or "down" positions:

Alt Flaps
LEF Lock
Fuel Door
Master Fuel

See Cockpit Builder's guide in the docs directory for more details.

+)) Added a bit to indicate whether autopilot is engaged or not. Adjusted the "ALL" enum items to only include the bits that represent lamps. These items are used by the MAL/IND test function; changed the names of the enum items to make it clear that they are just for lamps.

+)) This revision should fix the bug that dates back to SP3 where the Autopilot would pitch up violently as the aircraft lands if at any time during the preceding flight the autopilot was engaged into pitch attitude hold mode and then disengaged. This was actually sort of hard to do in SP3 since you had to work at it to get the AP into pitch attitude hold mode at all. Earlier revs of BMS made selecting pitch attitude hold mode rather more simple and rather more likely so it seems more people encountered this bug. Please try this fix and let me know if you have any problems with it. By the way, this bug could also be seen in flight if you let speed decay and then commanded high AoA with significant back pressure...this could result in nearly instant deep stall at most unexpected times (like turning fights). Of course you shouldn't let your speed decay like that (;-) so you may never have seen this and again the likelihood may be low given that you would have to have selected AP pitch hold mode and then turned off the AP again before you go into this low speed, high-ish AoA situtation.

+)) UHF related radio fixes: UHF panel controls should only affect the COMM1 UHF radio, not VHF COMM2. UHF function knob does nothing now; instead the UHF panel channel controls are activated when the AUX COMM panel CNI switch is in "backup" (per the real jet). The reverse video for transmitting should work properly in all cases now (it used to only get drawn highlighted properly if the UHF radio was displayed in line one of the DED). There is still one annoying problem: you must manually cycle the UHF radio channel at least by one channel before it will transmit at all; not sure how to fix that one (yet? ;)

+)) Cleaned up the landing config test and also fixed a minor bugette in the landing gear handle processing -- should now show the sh.mem status bit as active with the gear moving down as well as up! ;)

+)) Added explicit commands for CNI knob, TACAN domain toggle switch, MPO toggle switch, gear up/down and CAT I/III. Made CNI knob take care of UHF channel change source (UFC or UHF panel) and made UHF function knob do nothing (since its real function isn't currently modeled in the game).


+)) Custom code for Doppler sounds. DirectSound was unreliable.

+)) New sound table with new flags:

SFX_POS_SELF = 0x00000400, // external sound that originates from self, can be heard at full volume inside, and externally attenuated
SFX_POS_INSIDE = 0x00000800, // sound can only be heard when it originates from self while inside the pit.
SFX_FLAGS_CONE = 0x00001000, // sound has a sound cone

+)) A new method of playing the engine sounds is available, but still needs tweaking. The roaring sound, "AB sound" isn't just used while in AB anymore, it is played at high RPM - New falconsp.cfg variable: g_bNewEngineSounds (0/1) changes how the engine sounds.

+)) CTD fix when calling Declare.

+)) Hardcoded 3d sound and old algorythm to ON.


+)) Ïmproved AI landing rollout (hopefully no more Afterburned Dragchutes)

+)) New Keystroke: SimRandomError (generates a random aircraft system failure) Put the following line into your config/keystrokes.key (using NotePad) to map this function to e.g. Alt-x: SimRandomError -1 0 0X2D 4 0 0 1 "Sim-RandomError"


+)) Should have really fixed the issue of the HUD being too high in the full screen hud mode in 1.25 ratios.

+)) Changed to a cleaner, hopefully more reliable method of implementing the FF center fix.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Ich habe mein falcon jetzt komplett neu installiert und wenn ich free falcon2 installiere stürzt der rechner ab.wenn ich bei sp3 bleibe läuft der falke wie geschmiert.:(


Dabei seit
Gibt es irgenwo ein Anleitung zu F4 ? - ich meine ich kann schön rumfliegen und Löcher in die Luft und Gebäude schiessen . Das wird mit der Zeit so aufregend das ich die Mühle in den Boden bohre.
Die Menüs zum Starten/Einstellen irgendwelcher "Misionen" sind so übersichtlich das mir sofort alles klar war und ich mich nun wohl als der grösste F4-Profi bezeichnen darf.
Ich will nicht meckern - aber kann es sein das ich erst einen Pilotenschein machen muss ?


Space Cadet
Dabei seit
Einen Pilotenschein braucht man nicht. Genau das, was du ansprichst ist das Problem bei Falcon4:

Das original Handbuch ist zwar schön und gut, aber dank der ganzen neuen Patches absolut obsolet geworden. Es vermittelt zwar noch das Grundwissen, wie man rumfliegt, die Menus bedient, und auch noch einen kleinen Teil der Avionik, aber vorallem was die Bedienung der Waffensysteme ist das Handbuch Käse.

Schau mal, falls du SP3 installiert hast im Falcon4 ordner unter "docs" in das SP3_manual rein, da wird einiges erklärt, ebenso in den Checklisten. Leider ist das alles auf Englischj, aber meist reichlich bebildert.

Die Grundbedienung ist:

Enter-Taste Luft-Luft munition durchschalten.

Dann hast du auf dem rechten MFD die Waffenanzeige (Menge, Typ, Modi etc) und auf der linken Seite das Radar. Die gelben/grünen Punkte sind dann fliegende Objekte, ob feindlich oder freundlich das weiss man so auf den ersten Blick nicht.)

Rücktaste Luft-Boden Munition durchgehen. Wie oben, rechtes MFD Waffentyp und Details, links das Radarbild


Damit bewegst du den Radarcursor. Das ist dieser kleine rechteckige Kasten auf dem Radarbildschim, der sich auf-ab links-rechts bewegt wenn du mit den Pfeiltasten hin und herfährst. Damit bewegst du Ebenso die Zieloptiken für "intelligente" Waffen


Wenn du ein Ziel auf dem Radar ausgemacht hast, den Radarcursor über das Ziel bewegt hast, kannst du damit das Ziel aufschalten.

Minustaste (die an der rechten Shift-Taste)

Damit kannst du die Bordkanone(n) abfeuern. Alternativ ist das auch Joysticktaste 1


Damit feuerst du Raketen, Bomden etcpp ab. Alternativ Joysticktaste 2

Pfeiltasten auf dem Nummernfeld:


Tasten Y und X:

Chaffs und Flares ausstossen. Abhänging vom Patchstatus, ab SP3 wird standartmässig mit einer der beiden Tasten nur Chaff ausgestossen. Du müsstest dann das EWR Programm umstellen, um Flares auszustossen.

G fährt das Fahrwerk aus

B die Luftbremsen

K ist die Radbremse

Ist zwar etwas rudimentär, und blöd erklärt, aber ich bin nicht der beste im erklären. Mein Tipp wäre, du nimmst eine Schnellstartmission, da hast du unendlich Bewaffnung, und fliegst dann da rum und probierst das aus. Ein Ausdruck der Tastaturbelegung und der Checklisten daneben hilft villeicht das ein oder andere zu klären. Vorallem mach dir klar, das du im normalfall 80% aller belegten Tasten nicht brauchst.


Dabei seit
Ach Ihr Profis !
Man sollte wohl immer mit den Grundlagen beginnen.
Nämlich den Macken der Installation.
Ja fällt Euch was auf ?!
Wenn nicht - dann weis ich genau wo Euer F4 installiert ist. ;)

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    falcon bms smooth zoom fov key
