
Diskutiere Türkei im Sonstige Streitkräfte Forum im Bereich Einsatz bei; Interessant.Sind doch nur noch 4 MiG-29 die sie haben.Warum nehmen die mit einem Waffensystem teil das Ende 2010 außer Dienst gestellt wird :?!


Dabei seit
Interessant.Sind doch nur noch 4 MiG-29 die sie haben.Warum nehmen die mit einem Waffensystem teil das Ende 2010 außer Dienst gestellt wird :?!
Schau mal hier: Türkei. Dort wird jeder fündig!

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Dabei seit
Interessant.Sind doch nur noch 4 MiG-29 die sie haben.Warum nehmen die mit einem Waffensystem teil das Ende 2010 außer Dienst gestellt wird
Vielleicht haben die nur als Feinddarsteller gedient.


Dabei seit
die von Dir geposteten Bilder haben den Aufdruck
- und wenn Du die Seite aufmachst siehst Du (wenn Dir nicht schon die Endung auffällt), dass das eine iranische Seite ist.
Die haben dort auch ein englisch-sprachiges Forum, in dem Du Dich registrieren musst.
Aber ich frag mal bei Shahab3 nach weiteren Bildern ...

Die Bilder kennst Du schon ....
Chinesische IL-76 und Su-27 in Tabriz, Iran
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10 kasımda çıkan haberde umtas lardanda bahsediliyor. Demek ki anti tank füzelerimizin testleri bitti. Şimdide helikoptere entegre edilecek. Helikopterimiz ocak ayında uçuş testlerine başlaması planlanıyor.

Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı ve AgustaWestland arasında yapılan yeni bir sözleşme ile Türkiye‘nin sipariş ettiği toplamdaki T129 ATAK Helikopteri sayısı 60′a yükseltildi. Yeni siparişler, eski siparişlerden önce teslim edilecek.

Yedek parça paketiyle birlikte 150 milyon avro ilave ücretle 9 adet temel konfigürasyona sahip T129 eski siparişlere eklendi. İlave helikopterlerin tamamı TAI tarafından üretilerek 2012 yılı ortasında teslim edilecek. Daha önce verilen 51 adetlik siparişlerden önce tamamlanacak olan ikinci paket, temel konfigürasyona sahip 9 adet helikopterden oluşuyor.

Bir diğer önemli ayrıntı da önümüzdeki günlerde T129 için Kritik Tasarım Gözden Geçirme sürecinin başlayacağı yönünde. Sistem Gereksinimleri ve Ön Tasarım Gözden Geçirme sürecini 2009 yılında başarıyla aşan helikopter, üzerindeki karmaşık görev ekipmanları ve Roketsan üretimi UMTAS da yüklü olduğu halde Kritik Tasarım Gözden Geçirme sürecine girecek. Hem ATAK‘ın, hem de UMTAS’ın birlikte değerlendirileceği süreç, Türk Savunma Sanayii’nin başarısı açısından da önem taşıyor. Sürecin aşılması halinde, 2011 yılı Ocak ayı’nda uçuş testlerine başlanacak.

ATAK helikopterlerinin aviyonik ana tedarikçisi ASELSAN da, sözleşmeye ilave edilen 9 adet yeni helikopter sebebiyle fiyatı artırdı. ASELSAN’dan yapılan açıklamada, ASELSAN ile Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı ve Ana Yüklenici TUSAŞ firması arasında ATAK Helikopteri için “Aviyonik, silah ve elektronik harp sistemleri tedariği ve entegrasyonu” işi ile ilgili olarak imzalanan 700 milyon dolar tutarındaki sözleşmenin 7 Eylül 2007 tarihinde açıklandığı belirtilerek, 8 Kasım 2010 tarihinde yapılan sözleşme değişikliği ile ilave 9 adet Atak Helikopteri için “Aviyonik, silah ve elektronik harp sistemleri tedariği ve entegrasyonu” için sözleşme tutarının 43 milyon 750 bin dolar artırılarak 743 milyon 750 bin dolara yükseltildiği duyuruldu.

Bestellung wurde um 10 erhöht. Somit werden jetzt 60 T129 beschafft.


Dabei seit
Na, diesmal warst Du schneller !!

Auch wenn das Gerücht schon seit ein paar Tagen umgeht, ich konnte außer einem weiteren türkischen Bericht und diesem nichts handfestes ... und leider schon gar keine Fotos finden.

Offen gestanden, sollte sich das Ding bewahrheiten ist es schon eine Sensation, nicht nur, dass die PLAAF innerhalb so kurzer Zeit zwei internationale Übungen fährt - "Peace Mission 2010" ging ja dieses Jahr auch durch die erstmalige Beteiligung der J-10, KJ-2000 und H-6H Bomber einen deutlichen Schritt weiter - sondern nun auch mit einem NATO-Partner und Flanker.


Bin demnach mehr als gespannt !!!

dazu noch was:
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Dabei seit
Gönül told reporters after a meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee that the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, Turkey's procurement agency, would start talks with Turkish Aerospace Industries, the country's main aerospace company, for a "conceptual design" of a fighter aircraft and a jet trainer to be built after the year 2020. "This … effectively is a decision for the making of Turkey's first fighter aircraft," he said.

Meanwhile, a much expected selection of the military's next utility helicopter type did not come at the Defense Industry Executive Committee meeting. AgustaWestland and Sikorsky Aircraft are vying for the joint manufacture of 109 helicopters, worth up to $4 billion.

"The offers … were insufficient," Gönül said. "Talks with both companies will continue, but we think that they should reduce their prices."
Die Türkei will einen eigenen Jäger und einen Jet-Trainer entwickeln, ausserdem wurde die Hubschrauber Entscheidung verschoben.


Dabei seit
Ich werde jetzt bestimmt gleich wieder "verdammt" ... aber was soll das denn ???


Turkey's top defense procurement committee decided late Wednesday that Ankara would develop and manufacture its next air-to-air fighter aircraft, either by itself or in cooperation with another country, Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül said.

Gönül told reporters after a meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee that the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries, Turkey's procurement agency, would start talks with Turkish Aerospace Industries, the country's main aerospace company, for a "conceptual design" of a fighter aircraft and a jet trainer to be built after the year 2020.

"This … effectively is a decision for the making of Turkey's first fighter aircraft," he said.

Committee members include Gönül, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Chief of the General Staff Gen. Işık Koşaner and procurement chief Murad Bayar.

Gönül also said Turkey has rejected an offer by the Eurofighter consortium for the sale of Eurofighter Typhoon fighters. "The Eurofighter is off Turkey's agenda," he said.

The minister said Turkey may cooperate with South Korea, but implied that this is a small possibility. "We can manufacture the new fighter aircraft with them, we don't rule this out. But the decision we have taken now calls for the production of a totally national and original aircraft," he said.

The Eurofighter consortium, the Italian government and Italian companies had recently stepped up efforts for joint development and sale to Turkey of up to 60 jets. Italian Deputy Defense Minister Guido Crosetti in October said Rome wanted to develop a fighter aircraft with Turkey.

Seeking equal partnership

Separately, Turkish and South Korean officials earlier have said that Turkey, South Korea and Indonesia jointly may develop the South Korean-led KF-X fighter aircraft.

But Turkey is now stepping back from this option. "What we need is a true and equal partnership for the development of a fighter. The problem is that South Korea is not likely to agree to an equal partnership," a senior Turkish procurement told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Turkey already has selected the U.S.-led F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II as one of its next-generation fighter aircraft types. It plans to buy about 100 F-35 aircraft worth nearly $15 billion. Many Turkish companies are members of the Joint Strike Fighter consortium of nine Western countries, and are producing parts for the aircraft. Turkey also will receive 30 modern F-16 Block 50 fighters from Lockheed Martin as a stopgap solution until F-35 deliveries begin around 2015.

Minister Gönül said Turkey's newly designed fighter aircraft "would be a next-generation type, would replace the [U.S.-made] F-4Es and would function well with the F-16 and the F-35." He therefore confirmed that the new aircraft mostly would be meant for air-to-air fighting.

Meanwhile, a much expected selection of the military's next utility helicopter type did not come at the Defense Industry Executive Committee meeting. AgustaWestland and Sikorsky Aircraft are vying for the joint manufacture of 109 helicopters, worth up to $4 billion.

"The offers … were insufficient," Gönül said. "Talks with both companies will continue, but we think that they should reduce their prices."
Nachtrag: Zusammenfassung in Deutsch ....

Also ... demnach wurde beschlossen, das nächste (nach der F-35 einzuführende) Kampfflugzeug entweder alleine oder in Kooperation zu entwickeln, wie Verteidigungsminister Vecdi Gönül verkündete.
Geplant sei demnach für nach 2020 sowohl ein "conceptual design" für ein Jagdflugzeug als Nachfolger der F-4E und einen Jet-Trainer.
Hintergrund ist, dass sowohl das Angebot des Eurofighter consortium für den Verkauf des Typhoon abgelehnt worden sein … und die Chancen für die Kooperation mit South Korea wohl eher gering seien (die Türkei erwarte gleiche Rechte und volle Partnerschaft, was South Korea angeblich ablehnen würde).
Angeblich gebe es aber Kontakte zu italienischen Firmen, den Typ gemeinsam zu entwickeln.

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Dabei seit
Die Türkei will einen eigenen Jäger und einen Jet-Trainer entwickeln, ausserdem wurde die Hubschrauber Entscheidung verschoben.
urkey may develop fighter aircraft with S Korea, Indonesia
Sunday, December 12, 2010
ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Keen to bolster the capabilities of its Air Force, Turkey is interested in developing a new fighter aircraft with South Korea and Indonesia, senior Turkish and South Korean officials have said.

"There have been some preliminary talks about our possible participation in the KF-X program," a senior Turkish procurement official told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review over the weekend. "We are investigating the feasibility and possibilities of this program."

Maj. Gen. Choi Cha-kyu, director general of South Korea's aircraft program bureau at the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, said in September that Ankara was seriously considering taking part in the KF-X program.

"There will be a requirement [in Turkey] to replace the older fighters with newer ones by 2020," the daily Korea Times quoted Choi as saying at the time. "Once on board, Turkey is expected to bear the same amount of development costs as Indonesia."

The KF-X is a mainly South Korean program to develop an advanced multi-role fighter for the Air Forces of South Korea and Indonesia. It originally was launched in 2001, but then postponed because of financial and technological difficulties. The program will start again next year with the consent of budget authorities.

South Korea will provide 60 percent of the KF-X development costs worth some $4.2 billion, with the rest to come from other governments or corporate partners. About 120 KF-Xs would be built initially and more than 130 aircraft would be produced additionally after the first-phase models reach operational capability.

Under a memorandum of understanding signed in mid-July, Indonesia agreed to pay 20 percent of the bill and to buy about 50 KF-X planes when mass production begins.

South Korea also is seeking to receive technology transfers from Western aerospace firms. One possible corporate partner is Sweden’s Saab.

Other options

Turkey already has selected the U.S.-led F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II as its next-generation fighter aircraft type. It plans to buy about 100 F-35 aircraft worth nearly $15 billion. Many Turkish companies are members of the nine-nation Joint Strike Fighter consortium of nine Western nations, and are producing parts for the aircraft.

Lockheed Martin, the U.S. company leading the Joint Strike Fighter program, wants Turkey to increase the number of F-35 planes it plans to buy to 120 from 100. Turkey also will receive 30 F-16 Block 50 fighters from Lockheed as a stop-gap solution until F-35 deliveries begin around 2015.

But Turkish officials have said they are open to participating in one more future international fighter aircraft program.

Turkey also is facing pressure from Italy, a close defense partner, to buy the Eurofighter Typhoon, made by a European consortium including companies from Italy, Britain, Germany and Spain.

Giovanni Bertolone, executive vice president for operations at Finmeccanica, a top Italian industrial conglomerate, in early December called on Turkey to jointly produce the next phase of the Eurofighter. Finmeccanica is the parent company of Alenia Aeronautica, one of the makers of the Eurofighter.

Bertolone said the F-35 and the Eurofighter had different functions, and that Turkey could accommodate both fighters. The Eurofighter has been designed mainly as an air-to-air fighter while the F-35 is more suitable for air-to-ground missions.

In the event Turkey decides to buy the Eurofighter, these aircraft would replace the older U.S.-made F-4E Phantoms, recently modernized by Israel.

"We're encouraging Turkey to follow the examples of Britain and Italy, which will have both aircraft," Bertolone said. "Air-to-air fight capability is important, and we think this situation will gain prominence."

Many analysts believe that the planned South Korean-led KF-X also would be suitable for air-to-air fighting.
Wird in Kooperation mit Indonesien und Sür Korea geschehen. Laut türkischen Nachrichten wird die Türkei zu 25% beteiligt sein. Die KF-X sollen nach 2020 die veralteten F-4 ersetzen.

Die ersten CCIP wurden bereits der Luftwaffe übergeben. Die Block 30 F-16 werden ebenfalls modernisiert. Diese dienen gleichzeitig als Testplattform für türkische Hard und Software. Das US Kongress gab das OK für die Modifikation der türkischen Block 30 Jets. Diese werden nun mit türkischen Mission Computern ausgestattet, und sollen als Testplattform für das türkische DAS System sowie "Radarerweiterungen" (fragt mich bitte nicht was das sein soll :D) dienen.

F-16’lar artık ‘yerli bellek’le uçacak

Türkiye, askeri teknolojide devrim niteliğinde bir adımla, ABD lisansı ile Türkiye’de üretilen F-16 savaş uçaklarının uçuşta beyni kabul edilen görev bilgisayarlarının yerli üretim olmasını kararını aldı.

NATO kod adı Fighting Falcon (Savaşan Şahin) olan F-16 uçaklarını yabancı yazılım ve dolayısıyla yabancı etkisinde uçuş görevleri icra etmekten kurtaracak projeye de “Özgür proje” ismi verildi. Buna göre modernize edilmesine daha önce karar verilen “Blok 30” tipi F-16’lardan birisine milli görev bilgisayarı konulacak. Bu yazılımı da tamamen Türk mühendisleri hazırlayacak. Milli görev bilgisayarının yerleştirileceği F-16’dan elde edilecek deneyimlerden, Savunma Sanayi İcra Komitesi’nde üretimi yapılması kararlaştırılan milli savaş uçağında da yararlanılacak.
Aselsan üretecek
F-16’nın görev bilgisayarının milli imkânlarla üretilmesini Aselsan üstlendi. Bu çalışma ile uçakların uçuş güvenliğine ait her türlü bilgi milli sistemle kontrol edilecek. Bu çalışma sonucunda, görev bilgisayarının ABD tarafından elektronik olarak kontrol edilmesi ihtimali ortadan kalkacak.


Dabei seit
Ich werde jetzt bestimmt gleich wieder "verdammt" ... aber was soll das denn ???


Nachtrag: Zusammenfassung in Deutsch ....

Also ... demnach wurde beschlossen, das nächste (nach der F-35 einzuführende) Kampfflugzeug entweder alleine oder in Kooperation zu entwickeln, wie Verteidigungsminister Vecdi Gönül verkündete.
Geplant sei demnach für nach 2020 sowohl ein "conceptual design" für ein Jagdflugzeug als Nachfolger der F-4E und einen Jet-Trainer.
Hintergrund ist, dass sowohl das Angebot des Eurofighter consortium für den Verkauf des Typhoon abgelehnt worden sein … und die Chancen für die Kooperation mit South Korea wohl eher gering seien (die Türkei erwarte gleiche Rechte und volle Partnerschaft, was South Korea angeblich ablehnen würde).
Angeblich gebe es aber Kontakte zu italienischen Firmen, den Typ gemeinsam zu entwickeln.

Hmm, kann ich mir irgendwie nicht vorstellen. Alleine werden wir Türken erstmal nichts machen; dazu fehlt und Know How! Und Süd Korea hatte uns bisher immer sehr gute Angeboe gemacht; denke, wird auch wieder darauf hinauslaufen, dass wir zusammen kooperieren werden.

"The offers … were insufficient," Gönül said. "Talks with both companies will continue, but we think that they should reduce their prices."
Den Marktpreis ein wenig drücken ;). Je mehr Zeit vergeht, umso mehr Verlust müssen sie verzeichnen. Deswegen wird gehofft, dass die beiden Unternehmen die Preise noch ein wenig "drücken", damit sie sofort die Aufträge für die 9+50+50 Maschinen bekommen. Aber um ehrlich zu sein: für was 109 Transporthubschrauber!? Die TR hat meines Erachtens nach genug!

Immer wieder diese Verschiebungen...:TD:

MfG Achill
Seit wann haben die türkischen Streitkräfte bitte Dauphins?



Dabei seit
Am 4/1/11 ist eine SF-260 abgestürzt (sieht nach einer Notlandung aus), die Piloten wurden dabei verletzt.

Two pilots injured in military plane crash in western Turkey
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A training airplane crashed in the Aegean province of İzmir, injuring its two pilots, Anatolia news agency reported Tuesday.

The military airplane took off from the İzmir Çiğli Jet Command and crashed near the village of Görece in İzmir's Menemen district.

Two pilots were injured in the crash, broadcaster NTV reported.


Dabei seit
Militärhubschrauber bei Ankara abgestürzt
11/01 01:14 CET

In der Türkei ist ein Militärhubschrauber abgestürzt. Dabei kamen alle fünf Insassen ums Leben. Nach Armee-Angaben stürzte die Maschine vom Typ UH-1 während eines Nachtmanövers bei einem Dorf in der Nähe von Ankara ab.

Die Absturzursache ist noch unbekannt, die Armee leitete eine Untersuchung ein.

Offenbar fanden die Sicherheitskräfte das Wrack erst mehrere Stunden nachdem die Verbindung zu dem Hubschrauber abgebrochen war.


Dabei seit
Turkey to increase arms spending in 2011
Turkey is scheduled to spend approximately $4.5 billion on arms procurement in 2011, up about 10 percent annually, while most European countries are slashing defense budgets, a senior procurement official said on the weekend.
Turkey’s major procurement programs spanning the next 10 years will include the purchase of around 100 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightening II aircraft worth around $15 billion, the purchase of 30 F-16 Block 50 fighters and the modernization of its fleet of F-16s, the acquisition of six modern U-291-type submarines costing $3 billion, the purchase of utility and attack helicopters worth over a total of $7 billion, the building of long-range air and missile defense systems worth several billion dollars and the development and production of a national battle tank worth several billion dollars.

Some smaller programs include the purchase of frigates, corvettes, armored vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles and trainer aircraft.
Die Türkei wird 2011 10% mehr für Neubeschaffungen ausgeben (etwa 4,5 Mrd.$)
Kein wunder so wie sich der Preis für die JSF entwickelt...


Dabei seit
Die Türkei wird 2011 10% mehr für Neubeschaffungen ausgeben (etwa 4,5 Mrd.$)
Kein wunder so wie sich der Preis für die JSF entwickelt...
Aber keine 4,5 Mrd $! Vergisst die anderen Projekte nicht (T-129, ANKA, TAI T1, Ada Klasse, F-100 Klasse, U-214, Artillerie).
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Panketal (nordöstliche Einflugschneise von TXL)
Präsident Obama soll den Export von MQ-9 Reaper und moderner Munition an die Türkei nicht genehmigt haben. Ein (wie immer namenloser) türkischer Diplomat soll gesagt haben, das es ein Embargo auf bestimmte Waffensysteme gebe.

Wie jetzt? Die bekommen die neusten F-16 und den JSF, ja fertigen sogar einige Teile dafür, aber für solch eine weniger komplexe Drohne gibt es ein Embargo? :?!


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